ADSactly on ADSACTLY #73
On Advertising - Part 6
Let's put us in shoes of a little guy who started his company and is thriving for a living. Does he want to hear that advertisement is the poison of our age? Of course, he doesn't. It is not hard to understand that his livelihood depends on the number of customers he has.
How will he gain the customers in the first place? Well... By advertising, of course. Nobody can escape using it. Of course, the little guy will not care for the grand picture. He will use the power of advertisement to the very extent of his wallet and make sure people get emotionally involved with his product as to best of his means.
Does it make sense explaining to this person what is he actually doing? Of course not. The system is set and he swims in the ocean surrounded by sharks who don't care about right or wrong, about informing people about a product or manipulating them into buying it.
However, we are not writing this in order to tell you not to advertise but merely pointing out the inner works of the craft of mind control, its essence and how to protect yourself from making impulsive decisions based on a spur of the emotional moment that you'll probably regret soon afterwards. You need to be aware.
We'll leave up to your conscience whether you'll decide to influence others while not letting others influence you. It is a choice one needs to make if one is to earn a living in this world of perpetual information overflow. However, there might be a way out of this conundrum.
What if we start living in an advertisement-free world?
It should be a human right to live in an advertisement free world If 'one chooses to', right? There are so many human rights flying around, so why not add this one to the list? Why wouldn't we let everyone actually decide if she/he wants to be exposed to subconscious programming done by all those vehicles mentioned in this series? Why would all of us eat that on daily basis without knowing about it?
Advertisement-free life will never become a human right. Would you like to know why?
Because the system we live in would fail if people become free of consumerism conditioning on all levels. Yeah, that's how deep the rabbit hole is, Alice.
There is no other choice except to consciously avoid the mind rape and limit your exposure. One cannot fight the entire system, right?
At least not alone.
What are your thoughts?
Thank you for following "On Advertising" series of articles. We hope you enjoyed them and learned a thing or two. If not, then we hope they at least remind you of something you already knew deep down and can use it as food for thought.
Image Source for all images, unless stated otherwise, is Pixabay. or Pexels.
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 4 Society's Value Contribution System
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 8 Cooperation vs Competition
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 25 Full Stack Startup
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 27 Artificial Intelligence Government Pt. II
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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 62 ADSactly - Creating Value Part 10
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 63 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 64 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 2
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 65 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 3
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 66 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 4
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 67 ADSactly - Value Of Time Part 5
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 68 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 69 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 2
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 70 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 3
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 71 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 4
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 72 ADSactly on ADSACTLY - On Advertising - Part 5
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I think that this topics can't be looked at in extremes.
We live in a world where advertisement exists. Even a lot of it. Reducing that to zero from one moment to the next would be unthinkable. Chaos would ensue, no questions asked, but the same can be said for any major part of our lives being gone in an instant.
With that being said, I could see the world changing overtime as advertisement get's less and less of a thing. And I also think that a world such as this could function. It is hard to imagine what it would look like given how consume and finance oriented our society is, but it is definitively possible.
As entrepreneur two startups and a one time semi successful business owner I can attest to the truthfulness of this post. Which is the fact that modern idea of advertisement and promotion of products rely on the subconscious manipulation of human mind.
During my entrepreneurial years I wasted tons of money and ran to startups into the ground trying to crack the code of advertisement, unsuccessfully. Until I realized that honest promotion of our products woudn't work in a dishonest market unless I shelled out some big bucks and hired a professional to handle my advertisement strategy.
Thankfully I chose to go the other route and decided to stay a micro level setup and run on word of mouth. Firstly I didn't have money to afford a professional marketeer and secondly the more I read about it, more unconscionable and manipulative it seemed .
A world without advertising is a world that we will never know. We are constantly being bombarded with advertising through images and messages and the attack is getting bigger every day. With the evolution of social media, our kids have become one of the biggest groups that are not only being mass fed advertising but are being manipulated on a huge scale. The quest for something so trivial as a "like" or a "follow" is becoming the driver for advertisers to push not only their products but also their agendas. The worst part is that these kids are falling in line without so much as a critical thought about what and why they are being pushed in a direction.
Ever watch "Minority Report"? How long until that world exists. A world where our retina scan will dictate the advertising that I see as I walk through a mall or into a store. Advertising = $$$$ and there is no way that the big corporate giants are going to let that go any time soon.
absolutely right. From the position of the "little guy" he acts correctly. He is inside the system and is part of the system, so for the operation he needs to "play by the general rules." In this world, there are those who manipulate (while benefiting) and those who are manipulated (benefiting from them). They take advantage of it. The best way to benefit is to find customers. And the best way to find buyers is to advertise your product. It does not matter to them that advertising can be aggressive propaganda or outright lies. The main thing is to ensure sales. We are all somehow subjected to "information bombing".
We can use the principle: "warned - meaningfully armed." According to it, we decide to live in ignorance or to avoid "rape" of our mind. I think that such a message will help people to see the truth. Great food for the mind. Thank you, I really liked
There are some exceptional advertisements out there which we all remember. Sometimes, and that's actually bad for the advertiser, we remember and enjoy the narrative, but without associating the advertisement with the product.
The other flip of the coin is there is a massive amount of garbage, annoying advertisements, or worse, good ads for crappy products.
A world without advertising is... impossible.
How else would you know that your favorite band will be in your town next week-end, if you are always busy?
Sure, marketing and advertising influence opinions. It's their role. How else would Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola be considered the best cola juices in the world?
Subconsciously you may not be able to avoid their tactics. Consciously it might be totally different game. You may listen to any of them, at the end it’s only up to you whether you reject them or not. As an example few years ago my friend invited me over to her house. When I came to her house, there was also her friend Anna. Anna was a saleswoman of an air cleaner with breakthrough technology (that’s what Anna said, but I saw regular vacuum cleaner). I wasn’t interested, but for my friend I watched the saleswomen during her presentation. Eventually, believe it or not, my friend bought the product even though I told her not to get fooled. After few weeks she admitted she made a mistake. My point is you can listen to them, sometimes it’s unavoidable, but at the end it’s only up to you whether you get fooled or not. They are trained to fool people. Just like you said we are just a small people and they are sharks looking for their pray.
He says in the scriptures that we should be cautious as a seed and yet innocent as a dove (Matthew 10:16), and this is a protection in this infected world from those who use their strategies to dupe the unwary, so we should be aware of what we let go into the mind, in this way we will reject the suggestion and thus not access what we do not want.
Advertising conditions us to process information in an undesirable way. It relies on bright, shiny objects to impress a particular product onto our memory. The actual information about a product’s value in advertisements is subordinate to attractive visuals and clever language. The advertiser must get the audience’s attention and hold it for a very short time lest we nip off to the kitchen or the bathroom. This isn’t the advertiser’s fault; after all, he or she has a job to do. Nevertheless, advertising conditions us to have tiny attention spans, to have little patience for information, and to expect entertainment rather than education. It’s the enemy of critical thinking.
On, we have introduced advertising into the steem community. The difference is that because of steem, we are able to reward visitors to the site. You have a series: "ADSactly on ADSACTLY" it is possible to design a page which limits to that content for instance I created a layout with three of your articles listed.
See ADSactly on ADSACTLY here...
To reach target audience, company advertise its products and services. If you just give information without any manipulation, that's not too bad. But if your advertisement manipulates your customers and makes them buy products that actually do not add value to your life, that's not acceptable.
Thank you @adsactly for sharing this!
So true... @adasctly burst my bubble
Very good article, Zig Zaiglar said "You will never get what you want ... You will only achieve what you can clearly visualize
What happens if we start living in a world free of advertising?
I can not imagine the world without publicity. We are so immersed that it helps us to decide between so many products that can be the best. But if we have to be aware, given that each of us has our own criteria, we can not let ourselves be influenced by advertising that could harm us, advertising that only arises to sell independently to the final consumer.
Hola @adsactly tus posts son execelentes, bien redactados, bien editados, bastante informativos, aun cuando quisiera responderlos todos (para ganar tu voto) sería de mala educación, ya que hay tantos que ni entiendo bien (estoy aprendiendo cada día), que sería como mendigar votos ($) y mi mamá me enseñó a no mendigar nada a nadie, ten en cuenta que te sigo y te leo y aprendo... Gracias. Saludos... Ah! Feliz día del padre
I honestly am perfectly okay with advertising. I am self employed so I need to advertise or I won't get any work. I need to promote and advertise my cooking channel otherwise people wont't find it. I do find it kinda creepy that if I search something, just to learn more about it, all of a sudden I start seeing adds for that product or similar products. lol
Well since I'm not good at advertising, it would be nice for me personally if there were no advertising.
But, in our world, advertising is a reality and I guess you have to live with it and learn about it if you want the company to succeed... =(
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Without advertising I wouldn't know about allot of the stuff that I have and continue to want. Without adblocker life on the internet would be hell. I do not think that this is a binary issue. Yet, it is a very quantum issue.
Have you ever found something amazing purchased it and loved it? Now imagine if the company who sold that had never advertised it. Your relationship with that thing would never be. If it never was, you wouldn't know what it is you are missing.
However, you do know what you'd be missing because you are thinking about that thing right now. An advertisement free world should not be a human right, however if you look at companies like Netflix their entire business model is based off of providing a largely advertisement free service.
The cable companies and radio stations are dying off because of their constant mind rape. They need to find a less tacky way to advertise in order to save their business model else the free market has doomed them to failure.