ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #59
Creating Value - Part 7
In the last six sequels we wrote about the early beginnings of creating values, continued with the rise of craftsmen, explorers and merchants. We explained the importance of the first manual machines and how it all led to industrialization, continued with how oil exploitation business reached its heights and we ended with the birth of corporations. Today we'll continue further. If you haven't read the first six parts, please find them here:
ADSactly - Creating value Part 1
ADSactly - Creating value Part 2
ADSactly - Creating value Part 3
ADSactly - Creating value Part 4
ADSactly - Creating value Part 5
ADSactly - Creating value Part 6
As corporations grew into monsters, finances and connected services became more and more important. On such a huge scale, even small differences in the price of a single item leads to huge profits or looses. The new breed is born. People started buying and selling companies, creating financial products and offering their services to the widest part of the solvent population as possible. Money stopped being the means and became the product. Money starts making money in the most literate sense.
The rulers of the new age of value creation became financial institutions. They soon outgrew even the corporations that helped them come to spotlight. Huge financial institutions became so important for the government that it is not even possible to allow them to go bankrupt. If 'something happens to a giant' the government jumps in to save the day. It would take more than an article to go deeper into the system of how it's done. If we simplify the process down to the bone, two things can be done to save a giant whose fall might take down the entire state economy.
a) spend extra money from the state budget (your money)
b) print more money
Since there are no more gold or silver standards, federal reserves are free to print as much as they need without de-valuating it. This is their prefered option because the other one rings a loud vibe of incompetence, right?
Isn't it great for them? :D

When it comes to bitcoin, for ecxample, one cannot print more when one wants or needs more. The amounts are set in stone. Also, strong government intervention in the matters of the economy does not go along with free market nor principles of western democracy. Yet, it happens. Grand scale operations are often more invisible than the small ones.
The rise of financial institution bred a whole new social level of people. Financial people (bankers, advisors, brokers...) are the new people of value in our time. They live their fast pace lives in numbers, stocks and bonuses one can hardly imagine, having little concern for a little man and his problems. However, they, as a group, take a giant portion of all newly created value in the world.
They leech on all other businesses and, as a consequence, become rich without creating any real-world value. However, the amount of perceived value they create for themselves is bordering unbelievable. How do they do it? Transactions, loans, buying and selling stocks, creating options, derivatives and a myriad of other systems that are in reality nothing else but perfectly legal scams allowing the 'house' to always win. All others may win or lose, it matters not to them, as long as the wheels are turning.
Do you think that existing financial system can be replaced with blockchain controlled systems independent from governments? What would it do? Is it worth it? Do you participate in the crypto revolution? Do you believe in breaking free from financial shackles of bankers?
Are we ready for a brave new world?
Let us know what you think about it!
To be continued...
Image Source for all images: Pixabay.

If you are interested in joining the ADSactly Society, please read the blog series on ADSactly from the beginning. Have all of your questions answered in advance.
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 1 Open-Value Network / Co-opoly
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 2 Do-ocracy / Value Network
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 3 Open Stewardship
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 4 Society's Value Contribution System
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 5 The Value of Our Time
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 6 Cooperation and fair benefits
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 7 Support local production
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 8 Cooperation vs Competition
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 9 Sustainable Social Model
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 10 Blockchain Technology
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 11 Support for Decentralization
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 12 The Importance of Bitcoin
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 13 ADSactly in Discord (1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 14 ADSactly in Discord (2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 15 ADSactly in Discord (3)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 16 ADSactly in Discord (4)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 17 ADSactly in Discord (5)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 18 ADSactly Clubs
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 19 ADSactly Tokens (1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 20 ADSactly Tokens (2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 21 ADSactly Tokens (3)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 22 ADSactly Tokens (4)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 23 ADSactly Tokens (5)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 24 ADSactly Tokens (6)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 25 Full Stack Startup
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 26 Artificial Intelligence Government Pt. I
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 27 Artificial Intelligence Government Pt. II
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 28 ADSactly Steemit Blog
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 29 The Future Of Crypto
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 30 ADSactly on Globalization
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 31 Blogging on Steemit
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 32 Social P2P network
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 33 Projects in ADSactly Society
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 34 ADSactly - Medium Blog
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 35 ADSactly - Environmental Protection
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 36 ADSactly - Sharing of Ideas
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 37 ADSactly - Centralized System vs. You
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 38 ADSactly - Taxation of Crypto - Part #1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 39 ADSactly - Taxation of Crypto - Part #2
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 40 ADSactly - Cryptocurrency Trading General Advice
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 41 ADSactly - Steem Witness
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 42 ADSactly - CurveCoin Club
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 43 ADSactly - XP Coin Club
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 44 ADSactly - MASTERNODES - A new vision for the blockchain (#1)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 45 ADSactly - MASTERNODES - A new vision for the blockchain (#2)
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 46 ADSactly - Producers and Others
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 47 ADSactly - Money Velocity
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 48 ADSactly - Bear Markets
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 49 ADSactly - What can ADSactly do for me?
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 50 ADSactly - Project Support
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 51 ADSactly - Open Cooperative Society
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 52 ADSactly - Can Blockchain Systems Provide Both Security and Privacy?
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 53 ADSactly - Creating Value Part 1
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 54 ADSactly - Creating Value Part 2
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 55 ADSactly - Creating Value Part 3
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 56 ADSactly - Creating Value Part 4
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 57 ADSactly - Creating Value Part 5
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 58 ADSactly - Creating Value Part 6

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Debt is increasing, and of course do they care? Of course not, afterall it’s our debt, the taxpayer’s. Think about it, the US government spends a unbelievable amount of money simply paying interest on the increasing debt. Now think about this; the US government is making these huge payments in a low interest rate environment. What would happen if interest rates rose to a more “normal” level – say 5 to 6%? They will perhaps make a “RESET” of debt.
Derivatives! That’s what really scares me. It’s as you mentioned a “Ponzi Scheme”. It's dangerous because it's possible to end up in a situation where the overall value of that “anything” becomes over-inflated (it already is) far beyond the overall actual increase in the value of this particular asset or curency, and then eventually the potential return on investment for the people buying the futures/contracts becomes more about how much you can sell those contracts for to another financial institution than about actually collecting on the contract. In other word, it’s all hidden Ponzi scheme or imaginary extra value. Derivatives are basically hot potato. As long as the timer keeps going we all get to keep playing, but when the timer stops so does the game, and also someone or “everyone” gets burned.
The fiat curency times are about to end and new more decentralized with limited supply such as bitcoin or ETH are slowly overtaking. I’m glad to be part of this generation!
So much knowledge! :-o
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Excuse me for advertising. It is necessary to earn. I'll try to stop soon. :)
Next downvote will seriously hurt your already pitiful rep if you ever post an add here again.
Oh really l agree with you bro
The most obvious change would be the transparency of a blockchain.
Currently, when an individual lends funds to a bank, they don't know where that money goes. They simply trust that the bank will be able to return their money when they need it. This trust is usually well-placed, but occasionally a bank doesn't have the funds that their members believe they have. In the United States, the FDIC ensures that most people won't lose their money if this occurs, but this adds more parties into the system making it more complex and expensive.
With the blockchain, you could deposit funds, watch them move throughout the blockchain, and know exactly where they are at any moment. You could also audit the financials of the bank to know if they are financially sound.
It would also reduce the risk of human error, since the blockchain itself acts as the ledger and accounting tool instead of relying on people.
You made a valid point
If we all embrace this block chain thing the world wil be a better place to be .but because of somebody selfish interest they will manipulate the system to always favour the rich class
If we all embrace this block chain thing the world wil be a better place to be .but because of somebody selfish interest they will manipulate the system to always favour the rich class
In the first place, the cash was furnished with gold. You took the paper in your grasp and you realized that this "bit of paper" is equal to a specific measure of gold. In any case, soon it stopped to be significant. The day was simply "scraps". Their primary esteem is that all individuals think about them profitable. Truth be told, this cash exists due to have faith in them. This happened on the grounds that the "hungers" of the fracture and for this it was required to print increasingly cash.
What do we see now? Cash manages the world. Individuals spend important hours of their own lives in return for cash. There is, truth be told, the way that without cash we can not live. I don't contend with this. Be that as it may, alongside this there were individuals who for cash can do anything. On the off chance that you don't concur with this, I will contend with you and give the certainties. By the by, the world economy isn't a reasonable and genuine framework.
Consistently we see a certain something. We are instructed how to burn through cash. Publicizing, promoting and publicizing. Wherever even on the Internet. Every notice depends on the way that it would premium you to spend your own particular cash. They require what you would spend. They are endeavoring to inspire you to purchase those things that you needn't bother with. Furthermore, what's that? This is with the goal that you can establish connections on those individuals whom you don't care for. The buyer society is flourishing. This is likewise a reality.
A decent subject for discourse. I like this arrangement of messages! It influences us to think!
What do we see now? Cash administers the world. Individuals spend important hours of their own lives in return for cash. There is, truth be told, the way that without cash we can not live. I don't contend with this. Be that as it may, alongside this there were individuals who for cash can do anything. On the off chance that you don't concur with this, I will contend with you and give the certainties. In any case, the world economy isn't a reasonable and fair framework.
Consistently we see a certain something. We are instructed how to burn through cash. Publicizing, promoting and promoting. Wherever even on the Internet. Every notice depends on the way that it would premium you to spend your own particular cash. They require what you would spend. They are attempting to motivate you to purchase those things that you needn't bother with. Also, what's that? This is with the goal that you can establish connections on those individuals whom you don't care for. The shopper society is flourishing. This is likewise a reality.
A decent subject for talk. I like this arrangement of messages! It influences us to think!@adsactly at the outset, the cash was given gold. You took the paper in your grasp and you realized that this "bit of paper" is proportional to a specific measure of gold. Be that as it may, soon it stopped to be important. The day was simply "scraps". Their principle esteem is that all individuals think about them profitable. Actually, this cash exists due to put stock in them. This happened on the grounds that the "hungers" of the fracture and for this it was required to print increasingly cash.
The current budgetary framework has oppressed not people but rather even solid governments. Considerably more grounded governments can't free their nations from the solid hooks of the current budgetary sytem.
The common money related framework can be supplanted with astonishing blockchain innovation. The best thing is that it's free of any impedance from the administrations of the world. Each one is a partner and allowed to compose his/her own particular predetermination. That framework will diminish the torments and enduring of the regular man.
The crypto upset is picking up speed and energy with each agonizing moment. I am a solid defender of this insurgency of flexibility and support where everybody has same benefits. The more individuals are cherishing this marvel and improving their lives.
The digital forms of money will free humankind from the shackles of the investors. They have oppressed people in excess of one way. The rule of uniformity and brotherhood of the forthcoming upheaval will affect unequivocally on the present day money related framework.
Much obliged to you @adsactly to create mindfulness with solid vision and making of qualities.all the best
In the beginning, the money was provided with gold. You took the paper in your hands and you knew that this "piece of paper" is equivalent to a certain amount of gold. But soon it ceased to be relevant. The day was just "scraps". Their main value is that all people consider them valuable. In fact, this money exists due to believe in them. This happened because the "appetites" of the rift and for this it was required to print more and more money.
What do we see now? Money rules the world. People spend valuable hours of their own lives in exchange for money. There is, in fact, the fact that without money we can not live. I do not argue with this. But along with this there were people who for money can do anything. If you do not agree with this, I will argue with you and give the facts. Nevertheless, the world economy is not a fair and honest system.
Every year we see one thing. We are taught how to spend money. Advertising, advertising and advertising. Everywhere even on the Internet. Each advertisement is based on the fact that it would interest you to spend your own money. They need what you would spend. They are trying to get you to buy those things that you do not need. And what's that? This is so that you can make impressions on those people whom you do not like. The consumer society is thriving. This is also a fact.
A good topic for discussion. I like this series of messages! It makes us think!
The existing financial system has enslaved not individuals but even strong governments. Even stronger governments are unable to free their countries from the strong claws of the existing financial sytem.
The prevalent financial system can be replaced with amazing blockchain technology. The best thing is that it's free of any interference from the governments of the world. Every one is a stake holder and free to write his/ her own destiny. That system will lessen the pains and suffering of the common man.
The crypto revolution is gaining speed and momentum with every passing second. I am a strong proponent of this revolution of freedom and participation where everyone has same privileges. The more people are loving this phenomenon and making their lives better.
The cryptocurrencies will free the human race from the shackles of the bankers. They have enslaved humans in more than one way. The principle of equality and fraternity of the upcoming revolution will impact very strongly on the present day financial system.
Thank you @adsactly for creating awareness with strong vision and creation of values.
"Grand scale operations are often more invisible than the small ones."
These rings too true, it's so much easier to comprehend small transactions like paying $10 for lunch or even $300 for a new desk. But as the numbers get bigger, they become more abstract; like $25,000 for a car, paid on a monthly basis or even a mortgage on a house with insurance, interest and taxes put on top.
But it's where the interest, insurance and other fees that come in that makes, say, me wonder if this is a good deal or if I'm getting ripped off. On the one hand, the companies need to make a profit otherwise these services can't exist, and we do need them in some form. In the other hand, companies love profit and one can't help but wonder how much of what we pay them is less for the service and more for their bottom line.
But government level spending is a different beast entirely, and I imagine that the banks make bank on interest payments. So much money is flowing through, due to decisions made by hundreds of other people.
Blockchain has the potential of making spending more transparent, so that spending is accountable to taxpayers. The spending should be made public, and taxpayers should be able to view the blockchain of transactions to see that yes the government allocated $3 million to education, and how much went where, specifically. Taxpayers can also then help with auditing; are we paying too much for pencils or other tools?
This way we can maybe spend more money on services and not interest payments. It's so silly that people can make so much money by playing with numbers that don't have real world value... But I guess banks take some money from interest payments and funnel them back to politicians... What a racket!
This is what I call a great post full of knowledge and on time!
I know a lot about these things that are happening today in our society, still, I didn't know few things here that I read. Thanks a lot for that, for opening my mind. Well, more expanding than opening it.
As you said, the big problem today is that people that are making big money, they are not thinking about small man. The fast pace of life provides no time for them to stop and think about the whole picture. They are living in their money-making world and with every paycheck, they close their eyes a bit more to the problems in society.
This system is wrong in many ways :( I enjoy reading these @adsactly series, it is really another way of thinking people need to embrace!
Nice one
I learnt alot from this
Nice post!
concur that oil is exceptionally basic to numerous organizations and enterprises and if dark gold will be abandonned they would will have a stun. A considerable lot of the plants relies upon oil. Also, if that happened a significant number of them will bd shut, Many individuals will lossing thier employments, and numerous streets will be quiet. Because of economies development of expending dark gold it is hard for the maker to stop. Does there Is something that could supplant oil? Well I don't have the foggiest idea. I have heard that water could make use as the fuel for autos, yet in some part of dark gold uses it can't, But in the event that we keep on using this gold, we keep making harm the environement. The world needs us , however it's difficult to stop on influencing econony to stop. We could pick what' the best for a decent is it economy or for nature? I would let give your supposition, give your remarks underneath
Bitcoin and other cryptocurency are constrained yet at the same time utilize paper cash to exchange. On the off chance that the legislature of a nation prints however much paper cash as could reasonably be expected to purchase cryptocurency, at that point does anybody know the estimation of the nation's money can be traded for cryptocurency? It needs an exhaustive and worldwide cash upset. There is just cryptocurency without paper cash. Also, cryptocurency must be traded for gold and silver. Everything is restricted, at that point is it workable for every single person to win cash? Upheaval that will reply.
I appreciate your Every post @adsactly
Really interesting .. well done on the article
The worst thing is corruption and moral decay that upset this balance
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing
This is indeed an exceptional wite up.
For me I strongly believe that this existing financial system can be replaced or will be replaced with the blockchain technology sir.
Nice content @adsactly
Yes i agree,and that is why i believe currencies like bitcoin and steem is taking over already
Bitcoin and other cryptocurency are constrained yet at the same time utilize paper cash to exchange. In the event that the legislature of a nation prints however much paper cash as could reasonably be expected to purchase cryptocurency, ...
at that point does anybody know the estimation of the nation's money can be traded for cryptocurency?
It needs an intensive and worldwide cash upheaval. There is just cryptocurency without paper cash. Furthermore, cryptocurency must be traded for gold and silver. Everything is restricted, at that point is it feasible for every person to win cash? Upheaval that will reply.
all steemit friends thanks
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Upvote and rsteemit Sir
good topic describe this,your absolutly good author,,,*#
oh i read this part, great post value content
thanx for sharing and wating fo part 60
Really interesting .. well done on the article
The worst thing is corruption and moral decay that upset this balance
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing
well post sir,,
follow your all post...
thanks for shareing...
knowledge and information very useful, thank you for posting ..
ADSactly on ADSACTLY change future life
wow very nice and good topic describe this,your absolutly good author
&&&&&%%%$$$$wow very nice and good topic describe this,your absolutly good author
would will be having a shock. Many of the factories depends on oil. And if that happened many of them will bd closed, Many people will lossing thier jobs, and many roads will be silent. Due to economies growth of consuming black gold it is very hard for the producer to stop. Does there Is something that could replace oil? Well I don't know. I have heard that water could make use as the fuel for cars, but in some aspect of black gold uses it can't, But if we continue to use this gold, we continue causing damage to the environement. The world needs us , but it's very hard to stop on making econony stand still. We could choose what' the best for a good is it economy or for nature? I would let give your opinion, give your comments below$$$$$$
Knowledge and information very useful, thank you for posting $$$$$
I learnt alot from it too
Why create anything of value? The second you do, there will be a million people there to steal it from you. At least when you have nothing, there is nothing you can lose
good topic Thanks for sharing
Remarcable intentionns . Will that be the near future of us ?
We all need that .
Great things are going to happen.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurency are limited but still use paper money to trade. If the government of a country prints as much paper money as possible to buy cryptocurency, then does anyone know the value of the country's currency can be exchanged for cryptocurency? It needs a thorough and global currency revolution. There is only cryptocurency without paper money. And cryptocurency can only be exchanged for gold and silver. Everything is limited, then is it possible for all human beings to earn money? Revolution that will answer.
Always making points base on values. I have been following you on this value articles, its simply quite interesting. Thanks for taking your time to make this post worth reading .more grease to your elbow.
Food for thought. I enjoy your posts
Great post. Thanks for sharing these info @adsactly
Thanks for the interesting information.
what a good article, it hurts that there are corrupt people who always want to damage things! I loved reading you
great post I invited you to see my posts :
Rewards from this comment will be for the healing of each person who votes.
wow very nice and good topic describe this,your absolutly good author.The fiat curency times are about to end and new more decentralized with limited supply such as bitcoin or ETH are slowly overtaking. I’m glad to be part of this generation.What would happen if interest rates rose to a more “normal” level – say 5 to 6%? They will perhaps make a “RESET” of debt.
I have doubts, big doubts, that the existing financial system can be replaced with blockchain controlled systems independent from governments. They will not allow us and in my country those who buy are already registrated and soon we will have to pay interest and taxes over it as well. But I hope it will work. Banks are thieves
nice post
i could hear dead Karl Marx saying "i told you so"
Same here
Nice info....power
"Do you think that existing financial system can be replaced with blockchain controlled systems independent from governments?"@adsactly -
Yes, they could. But presently the governments control the access to the crypto exchanges through their control of the internet. And governments aren't going to relinguish their control and power without a fight.
So the real question in my mind is "How can the crypto exchanges become independent from governments."
Note: This doesn't mean not paying taxes on earnings because I believe that people should pay their appropriate taxes which are set by each government.
Hmm am a victim
Nice post(y)