Every day they come to the room where he was kept hostage after he was forcefully taken on his way to carry out some secret government. They have tried every conceivable means to break him, but he remained resolute. His two years of intensive training never to divulge the secrets of the government made this hard task an easy one to do. The food they gave him was apparently tainted with poisons as he was getting weaker by the day. If the plan was to kill him, the prisoners were doing a great job of that.
He also has his suspicions that toothless fat secret agent that brings in his cup of water had put something in the water; it tasted odd. His suspicions were not just a figment of his imaginations as he had spied her, through a slotted vent in the white room where he kept, on more than two occasions, surreptitiously slip something into the water as she is walking towards his cell.
Saka, the prisoner, was not feeling too well, the cause may be the drugs they must have been slipping into his water. The room was painted white also, and the bulb is never switched off. He suspects there is a cleverly hidden CCTV in the room monitoring and recording his every move. The captors are obviously watching to see if he would give out any state's secret. But he was too smart for that. He played dumb and only eat tiny morsels of the food they bring.

He needs to plan his escape and have some energy to escape. Not eating means that he will be too weak to run. Overeating means he will be weak or even die from their poisoning. He was using every part of his instinct, by pretending to lie near the door he listens to the footsteps of the fat agent that brings his food. He counts her step and calculates the time it takes her to get to his door. From the number of agents that have visited him and frequency, he was able to get the number of staff in that facility. Within a week he was able to know their shift schedule.
On Saturday was the day they have the fewest staff; about five present. Today is Friday and tomorrow would be the day he will try to escape or die in the process.
It was Saturday and true to his prediction the staff he could see was just four. He watched as the fat agent; her face all smiles brought his food. As usual, he was in a straitjacket and had to be assisted to eat. As he was eating the food went in the wrong way, and he choked and started coughing violently. The fat agent, alarmed, jumped back and called the colleague standing outside who immediately rushed into the cell. They tried to save him and had to remove the straightjacket quickly. That was the chance Saka needed. He jumped up with a surprising agility that knocked down the agent that came in to help. He landed on the ground dazed. The other fat one was too slow in reaction, and that was ok with Saka as he leapt towards the door to freedom.
Saka had been running for the better part of 30 minutes, and he was getting out of breath. He wanted to stop, but stopping would have been suicidal as the prominent white figures wanted nothing but to have his head in their bags.
He was shouting for help, "Please help me! Please, I do not want to die. Please, anyone who could hear me should come to my aid!" But no one seems to care. People look at him but are too afraid to intervene as they fear they may be a target also.

He sees a door out of prison and looks back to see if his pursuers are near. Looking back would be his undoing as his foot caught on a twine growing in the undergrowth. He falls to the ground. That nearly knocked him out. But the adrenaline of a dying man kicked in, and he miraculously sprang to his feet and continued running. Wheeeew! That was close.
The heart now is beating with the ferociousness and rhythm of an African juju priest summoning the gods by drumming. In the midst of his turmoils, Saka blessed the day he started training for the Olympics. Even though he did not make it to the top, at least the years of training is paying off now. His fitness is about to save his life.
Escape is now sure. Saka smiled, and wiped the cascading sweat from his brow and quickened his pace. Just as he turned a bend, from the corner of his eye, he could make out three more figures all bearing down on him. Their faces were a murderous mask of rage. The big machetes they each hold, swinging grimly in their murderous hands. He feinted a swerve and changed direction, and the three murderers collided against themselves, and Saka once more was a free man. But the dangers are not over.
The place seemed to be crawling with these murderers; if he is to make it out alive, he would need to get out of the woods and see if there are people on the other part of town who could help. He was almost approaching the end of the bush when out of nowhere a burly man threw him an uppercut. It caught him straight in the chest knocking the wind out of him. As he lay dying one of the white assassins approaches him with his machete a victorious smile on his face

Saka is schizophrenic patient with the psychotic disorder at The Fix Psychiatrist Hospital, and he had just destroyed a lot of medical equipment, wiring and had injured the nurses in his attempt to escape the hospital. The nurse that approached him now is holding a 5mg haloperidol intramuscular injection to calm him down. That was his fourth escape attempt this week, and the doctors are getting wary of giving him treatment at the risk of harm to their physical wellbeing.
Authored by: @greenrun
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Wow.. what a beautiful plot. We need to have that type of story writers who put all basic ingredients in their story..Like above.
amazing post my steemit friend good
Amazing story,I appreciate you sharing your experience,Thanks for reading
very nicely done amezing post enjoyed upvote and information from him.
I need to be cleared on this story. and thank you for sharing this post
Lovely. I'm a nurse and been on the receiving end of this, so hard when you know its their mind telling their body a lie and at the same time keeping yourself safe.
on a slightly comic note (though really rather not comic at all) I help a little old lady in a dementia unit escape a concentration camp once. she had packed her bag (inside the locked unit) and i caught her trying to escape. (with her walking frame).
She was sooooo upset and distressed. So with no other options i pretended to be a member of the "resistance" and helped her escape back to her room and made her a cup of tea. she forgot all about it 10 mins later. It was very sad as she had probably done it for real in her past life.
Thanks for this real-life experience that you just shared.
no worries :-) you have a lovely day
I appreciate you sharing your experience. I can only imagine how hard it is for all parties involved.
The mind can be a haven or a hell.
Very nicely done--I enjoyed it. Although it keeps the patient status under wraps until the end, I started leaning psychiatric care when the white uniforms were mentioned. I know guards could be dressed in white too, but for me, I just started leaning that way.
I took a stab at writing one about a psychiatric institution in The Butterscotch Palace Goest to the Circus .
Thank you very much for taking out time to read. I do appreciate that.
Working for any secret department be it governmental or non governmental puts one's life at high risk. The opposite team will always have you as their target. Meanwhile saka must have been very analytical in nature to be able to accurately predict the number of staffs from their footsteps
He was such as smart dude to pretend the food was shocking him. A well planned escape strategy.
I feared for him trying to scream for help as he escaped. Trust me, no one will come to your rescue
... But did you say he is a schizophrenic patient?? When did that start? Why did they still need him to get information from him. Was he still in his right senses?
I need to be cleared on this story.
Still @adsactly #1 Fan @desmonddesk
That was just a short walk in the the mind of a schizophrenic patient.
@mandymoore, you are absolutely correct. Thank you.
@desmonddesk, thanks a lot for that insightful reply. Saka has some deep psychological issues bothering on delusions and things of that nature. Thanks for reading.
Just an amazing story, from which it would be possible to make a full-length big story. Throughout history, the author keeps in suspense, creating an atmosphere of purposefulness of the protagonist. This person seems to be the most collected and has a goal-escape. Excellent description of thoughts Saki who reflects like a normal person.
Throughout history, with each read run, tension and interest only increase. It becomes interesting what will end the escape. Can Saka escape and face what's on his way?
The description of the escape itself is also admirable. The picture that your imagination draws while reading reminds me of a film with Leonardo DiCaprio called "The Island of the Damned". It was this feeling that caused me to describe the escape. But I realized that these feelings did not deceive me when I started to read the last paragraph.
It was unexpected and made me admire what I read.
"Bravo" the author, my suggestion, is an excellent story.
Just checked the movie, it looks like a great movie to watch. Thanks for reading.
A story with a nice plot. You only get to know Saka is schizophrenic at the end. You are a very good writer however you need to work on your tenses. The story is easy to understand but with a little improvement, you will be top notch.
Thanks for the kind compliments.
I can certainly feel and understand Saka in this story. Having been a workaholic before retirement and working under alot of pressure I spent a few days in facility such as this. Schitzo effective I think its called. Luckily for me as I planned my escape daily they one day just opened the door and let me out. In life we go through many prisons. Both real and imagined. This is a neat story and thanks for sharing.
I'm glad you could relate with the story. Thanks for reading.
this post beautiful story
Dynamic and exciting storyline. It seems such cases are not uncommon in psychiatric hospitals. I like the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio "shutter Island". There is also the patient perceived the reality differently. To end it is unclear where the truth and fiction of a damaged mind.
You are the second person that mentioned this movie. It is now on my list of movies to see. Thanks for reading.
Your story make me feel how life is in prison. It is really not an easy struggle. Waking up everyday knowing that you are still held hostage is like a nightmare, no wonder Saka has attempted to escape but with no success. The story really look real to me but with a little doubt if it really a true story. In any case the story was interesting, thank you for this one
@blizzo, You know life could be stranger than fiction :)
It is sad to see a patient in a hospital where they are treated like criminals. I am hoping that the patient will not give up in an attempt to escape from the hospital and go freely to some rural communities where he can be treated like a human being. Upvoted for this sad and touching story.
Actually, the hospital is trying to help Saka. The paranoia is all in his mind. He believes that the nurses are spies and secret agents while they really are just nurses.
@hendeca8, you are absolutely right. Thanks for stepping in to help.
@hendeca8 was right, they are only trying to help him get better.
Thank you for sharing that story! I really enjoyed reading it, plus the photos give the text such a realistic feel. There are so many parallel worlds on Earth and we usually try to escape at least some aspects of them. If not permanently, then at least for the holidays! 😊
We all need that escape from that boring things we do to survive :)
I guessed it from the beginning. Hehe, very good story, I would also like to write short but scary stories, are my favorites, some advice? Upvote! Following you!
Go ahead and write the short but scary story. Steemians are waiting to read it. Be awesome. Steem it.
Frankly it's a beautiful story I enjoyed Though sad
thank you @greenrun, You too @adsactly
Thank you too.
@adsactly A story with a nice plot. You only get to know Saka is schizophrenic at the end. You are a very good writer however you need to work on your tenses. The story is easy to understand but with a little improvement, you will be top notch.@greenrun
Thank you. I'm happy to hear that.
most welcome dear
You just typed exactly what I wrote. That's plagiarism.
Very interesting story the suspense you create in this story that is really amazing thank you very much for this amazing post.
Thank you for taking out to read. I do appreciate the kind compliments. Keep steeming.
Wow 👏👏
I like the whole perception thing.
There was the truth and there was Saka's perception of reality.
You're a really good writer
Thank you!
I truly delighted in understanding it, in addition to the photographs give the content such a practical vibe. There are such a large number of parallel universes on Earth and we more often than not attempt to escape in any event a few parts of them. If not for all time, at that point in any event for the occasions!
Parallel universe? The scientists are still working on that one. Thank you for your input.
Grim, but I liked it.
Any chance you feel like adding support for mental health awareness to bottom section of a story like this?
I would consider that when next I write. Thank you.
Love the story. I liked the part where he was counting the steps of the guards. That's what I would do if I were in prison -- or a mental patient who thought he was a prisoner ; ). I wish he would've made it to freedom. Even if he's crazy, I can't help but want to see a prisoner make it free. Keep up the great work! :D
Freedom may not be such a good thing for Saka at that particular situation he was in. Thanks a lot.
What a great short story! Very imaginative, and well articulated! Thank you for your time in writing this, i thoroughly enjoyed it!🤘
Thank you for reading.
living in prison is totally diffirent world, sad stories happens inside ,, thnx @greenrun
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Thanks for the support.
plz follow me
Wow.... I didn't expect the twist at the end.... you caught me deep in his own imaginative thoughts. Beautifully written.
Thank you for reading. I'm happy you find it entertaining :)
I remember the movie split after reading this wow
Never heard of the movie, but I guess now I would have to check it. Thank you.
Its cool man , the actor is also the actor of professor x and he is portraying a man with multiple personality with 24 personality.
Interestingly sad story though,dramatic stuff happens inside,good writing @adsactly : )
Thank you for taking out time to read.
@greenrun has magnificently written this beautiful piece of art and literature. Suspense is prevalent throughout of the plot.
Saka is indeed the real hero of story. He is optimistic, brave and cunning trying to create his own free space in the squeezing world around him.
Thank you @abdulhanan, he is the real hero of the story.
The brain is an amzing thing! I am going to follow you now! I need more of this!!
You are amazing too.
I found this to be a very interesting story. Kudos to you my friend, hope that my stories are just as good as yours:)
Thanks a lot
Writing story about life in prison is always amazing and full of suspense. Thanx for sharing
Just an amazing story, from which it would be possible to make a full-length big story. Throughout history, the author keeps in suspense, creating an atmosphere of purposefulness of the protagonist. This person seems to be the most collected and has a goal-escape. Excellent description of thoughts Saki who reflects like a normal person.
Throughout history, with each read run, tension and interest only increase. It becomes interesting what will end the escape. Can Saka escape and face what's on his way?
The description of the escape itself is also admirable. The picture that your imagination draws while reading reminds me of a film with Leonardo DiCaprio called "The Island of the Damned". It was this feeling that caused me to describe the escape. But I realized that these feelings did not deceive me when I started to read the last paragraph.
It was unexpected and made me admire what I read.
"Bravo" the author, my suggestion, is an excellent story.
I was really wondering what the story was about, and why it begun so abruptly. But the plot at the end made it all click. Great writing, enjoyed it alot!
I can certainly feel and understand Saka in this story. Having been a workaholic before retirement and working under alot of pressure I spent a few days in facility such as this. Schitzo effective I think its called. Luckily for me as I planned my escape daily they one day just opened the door and let me out. In life we go through many prisons. Both real and imagined. This is a neat story and thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing the story it's beautiful yet sad..
cool bro
wow, this is a story of the day thanks for sharing with us @adsactly
yeah @world-today. . . what a twist in the Story!!! Thank you @adsactly & @greenrun for an amazing story
What a amazing story☺ Such a wonderful.
Thanks for sharing with us
Awesome story and get the New and best idea about the bit coins thanks admin to share this type of post
the story is very inspiring will I read over and over again. thanks have reviewed it well
good post. good job
Keep posting,keep writing,ima keep reading.
Leadership is the other side of the coin of loneliness, and he who is a leader must always act alone. And acting alone, accept everything alone.
drifting myself made him read this story. thanks the article is quite interesting, I wait for the continuation
Nice story never see story like this upvote sir
great stories deserve great pay!!
great Job.. steem it :)
nice awesome great
I started writing the stor after a dream I had 2 years ago, I want to post more Chapters but Chapter I only has 3 views and it deserves so much more, I put my pain into this story and I truly believe if ANYONE read at least Chapter I they would be hooked.
But I'm sure no one is gonna read this because no one appreciates a good story anymore
Wonderful. Thats kind of write up we need in this community,with basic experiment. great thanks to you @adsactly.