Love is a complex thing, that is an understatement.
Do you really know what happens when you give your heart out to someone and they give theirs back? Probably not.
Most people would utter the phrase "I love you" or "They love each other".
It isn't quite as simple as that, science feels it can dig a bit deeper into the feeling almost every human strives to achieve.
On an epic high of feel-good chemicals, our brain cause us fall into deep love. We think we are choosing the partner, but mother nature may have more pawns in place than we know.
How Hard Is It To Fall In Love With Someone?
it takes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes to decide if you fancy someone.
Further research shows this does not relate to what is said in those 4 minutes, but rather:
55% is through body language
38% is the tone and speed of their voice
Only 7% is through what they say
The 3 Stages Of Love
Stage 1: Lust
The first stage of love. Your extreme longing for connection is driven by the sex hormones testosterone (men) and estrogen (women).
Stage: 2 Attraction
The most renowned stage of love, this is when it get's interesting. You can't think of anything else except for the amazing experience you are living. Scientists have ruled down three main transmitters involved in this process; adrenaline, dopamine and serotonin.
You are falling for someone, you notice one major change, your stress response is activated, noticable increases in blood levels of adrenalin and cortisol. Imagine the charming response you get when you unexpectedly bump into your new love, you start to sweat, your heart races and your mouth goes dry.
Helen Fisher, American anthropologist, human behavior researcher, and self-help author asked a group of love-struck couples to receive a brains examination, soon Fisher discovered high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. This is the main chemical which activates ‘desire and reward’ through an intense rush of pleasure.
It has the same effect on the brain as taking cocaine!
couples often show the signs of surging dopamine: increased energy, less need for sleep or food, focused attention and exquisite delight in smallest details of this novel relationship.
Last but not least, serotonin. Love's most important chemicals in my opinion. It causes your lover to pop into your thoughts.
Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine is a monoamine neurotransmitter. Biochemically derived from tryptophan, serotonin is primarily found in the gastrointestinal tract, blood platelets, and the central nervous system of animals, including humans.
Does love change the way you think?
An experiment conducted in Pisa, Italy clearly indicates that early love most certainly changes the chemistry of your brain.
If brain mechanisms that cause you to constantly think about your lover, were related to the brain mechanisms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Dr Donatella Marazziti, psychiatrist, ponders the thought.
By analysing the blood samples from the applicants, Dr Marazitti identified that serotonin levels of new lovers were almost precise to the starved serotonin levels of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder patients.
Love needs to be blind
Newly smitten lovers often idealize their partner, magnifying their virtues and explaining away their flaws.
States Ellen Berscheid, the leading researcher on the psychological chemistry of love.
Fresh couples dignify their own relationship.
It's very common to think they have a relationship that's closer and more special than anyone else's.
Psychologists believe this tinted view is important. It will ensure the couple stays together long enough to enter the next stage of love – attachment.
Stage 3: Attachment
Attachment is like a well tied knot, it will keep the couple in a relationship long enough to have children. Scientistis believe there are most likely two major hormones involved in this extreme attachment; oxytocin and vasopressin.
Oxytocin - The cuddle hormone
The good stuff, Oxytocin is released by both men and women during orgasm. Most likely deepening the love and attachment, causing sex to be more special with the same partner. The same chemical triggers a mother to produce milk at the sight or sound of her young infant.
Diane, Witt is an assistant professor of psychology from New York.
She wanted to see the effects of injecting oxytocin into female rats who never experienced sex. The results were staggering, the rats would try to care for another female's young, protecting them as if they were their own.
Vasopressin is very important. It may be responsible for us prioritizing and having long-term relationships.
Vasopressin works alongside your kidneys in the department of thirst control. The role of this chemical was first discovered when scientists looked closer at the prairie vole.
Prairie voles (a small wood-land rodent) have more sex than necessary for reproduction. They also form strict pair bonds - similar to humans.
When the male Prairie were administered with a drug that suppresses vasopressin, the bond with their partner stopped being relevant and they had no devotion, ending in them failing to protect their partner when a new, vasopressin rich, suitor approaches
I Want What You’ve Got
Even though we believe we chose our partner because of personal reasons, it may be completely influenced by your partners choice of others. Women will instinctively use the attractiveness of the man's past partners as an indicator of his quality. Women will also rate the man more attractive if the woman he is with is also attractive.
In Retrospect
I feel as if I know more about love than I have before researching this article and hope you have learnt something as well.
how to fall in love
Find a complete stranger.
Reveal to each other intimate details about your lives for half an hour.
Then, stare deeply into each other’s eyes without talking for four minutes.

It is evident that love is really created in every heart with little bit of lust. Then attraction is started and finally it becomes an attachment.
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Love was never easy. The greater it is the harder will be.
yes you are tight , sportschallenge ,i give you upvote---->
I never knew Love had a scientific explanation.. But really? Is that how to fall in love?
What a definition given by you @ exactly it's really nice people fall in love and they don't know anything about it given a really definition information about love
A recent study based on the topic “science behind the love” is conducted at Rutgers University located in United States, revealed there are 3 stages involved with falling in love—namely lust, attraction, and attachment. Each stage involves different types of chemical reactions within the body.
Wow...what a concept..that was awesome.I just love it sir.....Thank's for sharing
A great post. I enjoyed reading it :)
very nice! an excellent post. Congratulations.
Since love is caused by the chemicals dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine and oxytocin you could say every time you fall in love it could be the beginning of a.....
Chemical romance
If love hurts, you're doing it wrong...
Great exploring of love between two people. If you to expand the concept of love you will be surprised to find that we are designed with some built in triggers. These triggers get activated by age, environment, and other factors. The closet you can get to understand it, is when you become a parent and watch how your love take off on an auto and uncontrolled rocket traveling between the past, present and future, an between your mom/dad, wife/husband and your baby/children. I think you will get to realize that there is some “manipulating power” behind the veil that is trying to insure the continuation of life no matter what and whether you like it or not.
Lol. Love and it's scientific explanation. Very well written and truely understandable. It's funny how easy we fall in love. I enjoyed reading this. Thanks for sharing.
Fascinating post, did not know about the role all these hormones play in the game of love! Will be celebrating our 43rd wedding anniversary next month...yep many of our steemians have not even reached that age yet ;) Guess we must have high Vasopressin levels having stuck together that long...a lifetime in fact :):)
Thanks for a well researched post, cannot imagine a life without love!
lol.. this is like saying your birthday cake isn't a birthday cake. it is really just flower, sugar, eggs
love for me is just love. I dont want to know about the chemicals ha ha
i give you upvote adsactly --->
Love from your parents is the best love you have.
Love is a beautiful thing...
There are two fields i love ... SCIENCE & ART... And ur explanation of The Science of Love.. makes me wanna know THE ART OF LOVE...😀😀👌...
Awesome writup
@adsactly Love and Like are two different things. Although Love starts from Liking someone, liking has the tendency to be self-serving that includes, attraction, wanting to be close, yearning to be appreciated and so on... But love is more hard core; whether the object of love returns the affection back to the lover, the lover remains to care deeply for the beloved. It's "I love you; i do not know why. And I love you despite of.........."
Love moves in a very mysterious way because I didn't know I that I will marry a college classmate and a duty mate back then. For four years in my college as a nursing student and from the first year to the second year I really didn't get the chance to intimately notice my husband, as if he was just an ordinary boy in the class who was so naughty. I didn't even know that I will fall in love with him so deep that eventually lead to a happy family we are having now. We noticed that we were intimately connected was when we have the same group for our clinical exposure duty. Since then we were throwing jokes and silly teases, and that was the time I noticed that I feel comfortable when I am with him, his intense sense of humor draw me closer to him each day. And we didn't notice then that we two are falling in love with each other. But because nursing is such a difficult course, for the last months before graduation we didn't bother to go for a date, but by the time all our requirements were settled, he messaged for a movie date in the nearest cinema :) And the stages of love then go along until we feel the most intimate, mature and unconditional love connection we have right now.
As i read your blog and as a nurse I can imagine how those hormones in my body collide when the time I see him back then and until now! LOVE IS SUCH A WONDERFUL FEELING TO FEEL! <3 <3 <3 lovely post !
love of science and love is the part of life.. and one of the better way of lead beautiful life....
I think my love started right after the third stage) But in my youth I really was very foolish, feeling in love
I love Nutella!!
Jokes beside ...your post is very informative. Upvoted!
I think like this: Love is like u put water and oil first its something new and u love the new state ...the friend love zone...then u have butterflies in your stomach ...the couple zone ...but then there is a new zone that a lot of people forget about... the god love zone ...
When u put oil and water together..what happens after u shake will split again into oil and water ...and this example is the best to explain the god love zone... every person has his/her own life! it can take months or 1-2 years from changing form the couple zone to the god love zone. in the god love zone u just look at your partner and u love him/her the way he/she lives. U love him/her with all the good and bad! And especially you should start to look at the bad of your partner and ask yourself, can I love this person like this?, since every person has sth bad about him/herself. In the god love zone u just love your partner endless without the desire that u need sth back...I'll hope u all enter this zone one day ;) Bless up!
True LOVE is so hard to find nowadays, My heart has been broken so many times that it's hard to let another one in
What is love? Baby don't hurt me, baby don't hurt me, no more.