Two years ago I was involved in a project that was about creating a way to enable a gift economy. This is an economy that runs on faith.
Faith is like trust but it's more like being and doing things as if trust exists, even though it doesn't. So faith projects into the future something that is absent from the present.
So this quote makes the same statement:
Faith is the substance of things [or trust] hoped for and the evidence of things [or trust] unseen.
When we live by faith, we give our value and resources now to others, based on conditions that we feel will potentially bring trust into the relationship in the future. Another word for this occuring in action is forgiveness (forward giving).
There are plentiful reasons why trust is lacking in the world and there are plentiful ways that help us work together while trust is lacking. We can call such ways "intruments", because, like music, instruments help us convey a sound to others that we cannot otherwise provide because we lack the physical means to do so without it.
For example, one instrument of trust we're all very familiar with is money. Money helps us convey our value to others that we cannot otherwise provide because we lack the trust to do so without it.
Another instrument is the gift economy application I helped build. Of course all kinds of intruments that help us work together, are instruments of trust. That includes cryptocurrencies.
These tools help us act as if we live by faith.
There are two types of faith when we involve human relationships:
- blind faith - we act as if we have faith but have no evidence it will result in trust
- actual faith - we act with faith by enough evidence it will result in trust
"Blind faith" is self contradicting, so it doesn't have much to do with actual faith, really just faith itself.
Let's now look at the laws in the Go Giver book:
- Value: Your true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you take in payment.
- Compensation: Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them.
- Influence: Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people's interests first.
- Authenticity: The most valuable gift you have to offer is yourself.
- Receptivity: The key to effective giving is to stay open to receiving.
Do you feel these are based on blind faith or just faith? For me, the more I apply these the more they become real. However it took me some actions of faith to start to apply them.
I've been reading about Adsactly and getting a sense of faith in what its about. Their ethos and overall model and vision is faith-worthy in my humble opinion, so far. It appears to be about co-creating trust as a social organisation model. I want to learn more, get some more facts and evidence.
But what's you opinion on what they are doing? Is it faith-worthy?
If it's new for you or want to know more, read here:
It is really Good way to start the week. We all need this words for our daily activities. Thanks alkhemst
Thanks, for me too, faith feels like I'm stepping into the dark, but seems to be the only way to step out from the dark for me.