
"Stranger Things" it looks like he did change only a bit the story and the character!Maybe a fiction and most of the image from here at @adsactly post has no IMAGE SOURCE but he said from PIXABAY. It is easy to knows if the image is original or not! like this image! And I have a doubt with this story! Its seem like the original series from

This image is copied from the other source!

Also these!

Including this one with 743 results!


I am the author of the story which you are bent on bashing without good reason.

The story is a fiction. I write my stories originally without plagiarizing or copying any previously written (published or unpublished) content.

You made mention of "stranger things", well I haven't seen it but even if I had, how does it even help the case you are making?

The experience the story talks about could happen to anyone. As a matter of fact, it is happening to a lot of young ladies, so tell me the sense in your thinking that the idea from which this story was written can only come to one person who in your opinion is the story writer of stranger things? Does that even make sense?

Unless you can produce where this story was previously published, I can say you are simply out to cause trouble needlessly and would advice against that.

As for the pictures, PIXABAY images are free for anyone use.

Feel free to feed on the image links:

I'm not causing a trouble... It's my own opinions and frank comments... Don't be offended... And as you see in my comment that maybe you misunderstood, I said there, (Its seem like the original series from "Stranger Things" it looks like he did change only a bit the story and the character!) It is just my speculation and nothing more...

And 2nd. I already said this for clarification, (Maybe a fiction and most of the image from here at @adsactly post has no IMAGE SOURCE but he said from PIXABAY.) I hope you already understand what I mean...

Sorry for misunderstanding if you are the owner of this account of @adsactly...