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RE: ADSactly Literature - The Feelings of a Son in Franz Kafka's Letter to the Father

in #adsactly6 years ago

I've read "The Trial" three times, and theres something dark and bitter about it while at the same time it's intriguing and fulfilling. Later on i dived into his letter to his father which was extremely illuminating, the connections between his father and the court was blatantly obvious, but not in a way that made it feel exagerated or exhausted. It's amazing how important ones childhood is, if i remember correctly Kafka himself said that his entire authorship was about his father.


That's right, @itexpertshariful, and it's good that you mentioned The Process, maybe it's the story that comes closest to the idea of the Kafkaesque, because that's where an ordinary man finds himself trapped in a guilt that seeks his punishment, following an inverse logic to the idea of justice. There the contradiction, the absurd, elements so present in his work, everything in Kafka's was a relationship, a bond. Thank you for your comment