Lol - it reminds me of the old medicines that was supposed to cure everything - from an headache to cancer.
I like what you write about freedom - in fact, someone smart wrote in a book i read recently that when you have the freedom of mind - you may use your freedom to subordinate yourself to a cerain set of rules, say of a religion. and still - you did it as a act of freedom - the freedom to choice not to be "free" in the meaning most people understand it.
If we take it to a more modern/postmodern point of view - it may help elucidating this point: most people will say that being a moral person, a humanist and ethical person is a good thing, but isn't it diminishing your "freedom" to do everything you want without regard to ethics etc.? almost everybody will agree it isn't contradicting, but may find it hard to explain why. that's where what I tried to express comes in - you used your freedom to subordinate yourself out of your free will to that set of rules, hence - it is an act of freedom and not the losing of it.
Thanks for an interesting post and beautiful pictures, as always :) the second is my favorite.