It is said that if you invent a better mouse trap, the world will beat a path to your door.
Well, I'm sorry to say, that's bullshit.
I am a life long entrepreneur and inventor. I've had several businesses and brought a few products to market, and I can tell you that although the myth about finding just one great idea and you'll be on easy street is inspiring and part of the "American Dream", it is total bullshit.
Unless your creativity is artistic in nature, creating new products is as much an act of destruction as it is creation. For example, if I invent a new doohickey, the best, most fantastic doohickey ever created because it doohicks faster, better and more cheaply than any doohickey ever, then I want my doohickey to replace every other doohickey already in the market. That means that those who have a vested interest in the already existing doohickey market (other inventors, owners, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, transporters, merchants, bankers, investors, yadi, yadi, yada) are threatened by your new, amazing doohickey. They don't want you there. And, they will fight against you.
For me, that was the hardest thing to wrap my mind around: those who knew my product was better, but still wouldn't accept it because they were comfortable with the way things were already. Like my visit with WalMart, when I was told that as soon as I could prove that my product had sales, then they'd talk to me. So, they wouldn't even consider selling my product, unless I was already selling it...that is, I must have sales, before I can sell. But how can you make sales if you have nowhere to sell? It's a vicious cycle of crazy.
I don't mean to be discouraging, I just wish I had realized these things when I had started out. I would have been more prepared for the fight.
In any case, good luck to all who take the leap!
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