GOD is a LIAR *Read to the end*

in #adsactly7 years ago (edited)

Youtube Channel Art - Untitled.jpgI say it again God is a liar
before nko?

why did he say to Adam: if you eat of the fruit ye shall die
yet they did eat but they didn't die instead they gave birth to another child
Why will God even call jesus His own son when he doesn't a wife
i repeat GOD is a liar
The book of genesis chapter 2 vs 2 says; on the seventh day God had finished the work
of creation so he rested but david said "He never sleeps nor slumber"
Ahba! david is now an accomplice.......
Exactly my thought before God took me on a tour to the spirit WORLD
For our GOD is a spirit and those that worship him must do in truth and in Spirit
God created everyman in the likeness of HIMSELF so if God is a spirit then_all
MEN are spirit that dwells in a body and i define death as a the disconnection from the source of life
Adam and Eve died when they got disconnected from their source of life { GOD }
Have you ever seen a tree separated from ground that lives?
Oh! what about JESUS_ how is he God's son?
GOD is a spiritual father of which makes Jesus a spiritual SON of a
Spiritual Father, for spirit begat spirit but you may wonder
why do jesus have to come to the world in human form?
It's because GOD CANNOT LIE
For God created man to dominate the world and human flesh became the LICENSE
without a body on earth any man is LIFELESS
by now! you should know why demons always want a body to posses
because they are not allowed here without one, so for Jesus to exist fully he needed the license
sorry for the little digress let me go back to where i started
man-with-mic-02.pngGOD IS NOT A LIAR!
but why should david lie on him? good question.....
let's read the book of genesis chapter 2 again from verse 1
" so the creation of heavens and the earth and everything in them was completed,
on the seventh day God had finished His work of creation, so He rested from all of His CREATION"
God was done creating, so he proceeded to RE-creating, does that mean he has gone to bed?
Someone say david DID NOT LIE and

Youtube Channel Art - Untitled.jpg @least have caught him about two or 3 times now! #thepisode #orasibox