Hello everyone, @oghie here.
Before we deliberate on this topic, i'll like to clarify the notion that, we make mistakes that's why were humans. But don't get it twisted by seeing yourself as a mistake or an error.
Typically, no man or woman on earth can boldly say him/her has never been a victim of mistake. If you'd ask me, that's what makes us human- simply by the mistakes we made ourselves. Nevertheless, we should conceive in out heart that things don't just happen for no reason, there should be a reason behind the coffee you spilled on your colleagues dress, why you came to work late or why you were sacked. We as humans discovering the reason behind our mistake clearly defines how far we want to go in life. Just as i stated earlier, please don't see yourself as a mistake or your existence here on earth was an error, have it at the back of your mind that there are numerous beauty and treasures when we make mistakes.
Most times we perceive that the little mistakes we make becomes our identity in an unfriendly way. We tend to see ourselves as failures when we fathom the fact that we are destined to fail, at any cost, we should never allow mistakes to be the other of the day in our life, or let mistakes define us a a person. You made a slight error in your office doesn't mean the office isn't for you, what it actually connotes that if we tend to accept our mistakes and fail to take corrections then we are prone to be failures respectively.
We make no mention about the beauty of mistake without realizing it lays a responsibility for us to recuperate and recover our errors when the mistake was made. Nevertheless, we shouldn't let mistakes hinder us from having a nice day where ever we find ourselves. A wise man once said " Experience is the best teacher", the rare truth is, we"ll never learn new things if we don't make mistakes. This doesn't mean mistakes comes cheaply or lacking side effect. Nevertheless, at the end of the day, we need to fathom and acknowledge that we truly make mistakes. In fact it is only an insane person that can boldly say he/she has never made mistake in their entire life, mistakes are part of us, they are natural.
All the same, it's quite tough and coarse to admit what has happened and knowing fully well that nothing can be done to change this. The beauty of the mistakes we make helps us to acknowledge our weakness and also quickly change them the next time we run into them. I have seen people struggle to quit some habits and errors even after they became victim of it, the only way to comprehend and avert a mistake is simply by not making that same mistake.
In conclusion, some certain things do happen for a reason, mistakes helps us, guides us, discover our weakness and gives us a brighter future when we correct ourselves. Each time we make a mistake, were advised to accept it, learn from it and make it the last mistake well ever make.
One who make mistakes and then dare to reattempt with a better approach is the one who has learnt something from his/her mistake.
Mistake guides us that there is another way or approach to this particular problem and the one who stay to make it right is the real winner.
Because it is easy to give up. But standing up again to learn from that mistake is the real effort.
Nice Post.
Well said bro, thanks for stopping by