Yeah filtering all of the information is not easy anymore, and I doubt it'll ever get easier. Thankfully though, most doctors and pharmacists are a call away :)
I'm a fairly new parent (3 year old) and I can relate to wanted to protect them from everything, but I haven't had to make the kind of decision you've had to yet. Even with my background, I doubt it'll be any easier. I like to think that we have several options to help most medical issues (from exercise, diet, meditation, drugs, etc.), and even as a future pharmacist, the drug option should almost always be the last option. But just because we're at that option, doesn't mean we've failed our children, it means we have more work ahead of us to ensure the medication stays safe and effective.
From the little I know of your story, I really hope this ends up being an safe/effective therapy for you guys. Trying to find something that works is always the most stressful part for a family.
thank you, I appreciate your kind words :)