Very interesting article you've got here. I'm really impressed. However, i would like to say few things. Some in support of your stand and some against.
Interesting fact: the salary of a policeman in Belarus exceeds the wages that workers in any industry, including science, receive. Engineers take part in creating details and mechanisms, scientists develop science. A policeman does not produce anything, but earns more. Social injustice.
I totally disagree with you here. Every man out there working for the common good of the Nation should be rewarded immensely. It doesn't matter the nature of what they do. You feel they add no value because they produce nothing but they guaranty security of lives and property. I think the issue here should be why others like the engineers and all who contribute lot more than the shitty government receive less than they do.
Ordinary pensioners are not able to acquire a good imported medicine. Its cost is too big for them. Most ordinary citizens buy Belarusian medicines. No, not because it is qualitative but because it is cheap.