Going back to the office after some well deserved holidays

in #adventure7 years ago

I´m ready to hit the road!

With just a 9 kilo bag, my Steemit T-shirts and a pair of shoes who´ve been with me for years, it´s time to attack the trails.

Versión en español terminando la de inglés / Spanish version after english one

After some resting time, this is how my life will be the next months: Moving

If you started following me recently, you probably don´t know that I spend most of my time on the road. December and January were two abnormal months of holidays for me... but now it´s time to go back to work, it´s time to hit the road.

Some people make the mistake of thinking I travel only for fun and I´m on a constant vacation, drinking mojitos on the beach while meeting cute girls everyday... but the thing is, for me traveling is my real job. I take it very seriously and I try to make the most of every minute I spent on every place. This means that I don´t sleep much while I try to visit all the cool spots everywhere; I try to do all the touristic stuff - while trying to pay like a local, or not paying at all - and I try to save money all the time.

This travel style means I don´t stay in fancy places, I don´t eat delicious and pricey food, I don´t move around in cars or shuttles, I don´t pay for guided tours etc. That´s a lot of don´t´s but I´m not trying to be negative, I love my travel style and I would never change it, this - for me - is the proper way to get in touch with the locals, their culture, traditions, the daily life in any town, normal problems people living there face etc. It is the way to be a citizen of any town you go to, it´s the small opportunity I get to experience the real vibe of any place, even if it is for just a few days.

During the next month I will be actively preparing my next big project, but while I´m doing that, I promise to bring you the best adventure posts I can, I hope you won´t be dissapointed.

I won´t be able to answer comments so often, but every night I will take at least one hour to reply and vote all the comments here - well, only the non spammy / three word comments - and I will try to keep in touch.

For now, I have to leave you with only one piece of information: Google Cañón del sumidero, Chiapas, that´s my next adventure before crossing the border into Guatemala.

Spanish version up next, so if you already read the english version, go vote this post :P

Regresando a la oficina después de unas merecidas vacaciones

Estoy listo para tomar camino!

Con solo una mochila de 9 kilos, mis playeras de Steemit y mis viejos tennis que me han acompañado por años, es hora de atacar la ruta.

Después de un buen tiempo de descanso, así es como será mi vida los siguientes meses: En movimiento

Si me comenzaste a seguir hace poco tiempo, probablemente no sabes que la mayoría de mi tiempo la paso de viaje. Diciembre y Enero fueron dos meses atípicos de vacaciones para mí... pero ahora es momento de regresar a trabajar, es hora de tomar camino.

Algunas personas cometen el error de pensar que viajo solo por diversión y que mi vida es una vacación constante, tomando mojitos en la playa y conociendo chicas lindas cada mañana... pero la realidad es que viajar es mi trabajo. Me lo tomo muy en serio e intento sacar el mayor provecho de cada minuto que paso en cualquier lugar. Esto significa que no duermo porque intento visitar todos los lugares que valen la pena de cada sitio; intento hacer todas las actividades turísticas donde sea que voy - mientras intento pagar como local, o no pagar en absoluto - e intento ahorrar dinero en todo lo que hago.

Este estilo de viaje implica que no me hospedo en lugares lindos, no como comida deliciosa y lujosa, no me muevo en auto o en transporte turístico, no pago por excursiones guiadas etc. Esos son muchos NO pero no intento ser negativo, me encanta mi estilo de viajar y nunca lo cambiaré, esta manera - para mí - es la más adecuadas para ponerte en contacto con los locales, su cultura, tradiciones, la vida normal en cualquier pueblo, los problemas diarios que la gente enfrenta etc. Es la manera ser un ciudadano de cualquier pueblo, es la pequeña oportunidad que tengo de experimentar la verdadera vibra de cualquier lugar, aunque sea solo por unos cuantos días.

Durante el próximo mes estaré activamente preparando mi próximo proyecto grande, pero mientras lo preparo, prometo seguir trayendo los mejores posts de aventura que me sean posible vivir, espero no queden decepcionados.

No podré responder a los comentario muy seguido, pero prometo cada noche tomarme al menos una hora para poder responder y votar todos los comentarios - bueno, los que sean spam / comentarios de tres palabras, No - e intentaré mantenerme en contacto.

Por ahora, tengo que dejarlos pero les dejo una pista: Googleen: Cañón del sumidero, Chiapas, esa es mi próxima aventura antes de cruzar la frontera hacia Guatemala.

There are 2 pages

Your travelling style diffrent i like your post your post is so nice thank for share this post

The points you made are why what you do is so kool my brother! I love the way you do it and the outlook you have on your travels. If I wanted all the fancy hotels and bells and whistles I'd just turn on the Travel channel! Yours is unique not in a sense of what you do but because it's you. How you do it and the principles you stick to is the icing on the cake. Always looking forward to more. Love your travels!

Exactly my friend! I´m trying to bring something different and fresh to the table, sometimes I´m able to do it, sometimes not so much but always doing my best! I´ll try to keep to my principles for as long as I can and to keep adventuring the way I do, thanks for dropping by my man.

A real nomad soul .I too hope to hit the road and see the world one day. As a photographer this has always been my dream. To travel , meet new people ,new cultures and new ways of life. I am a sucker for culture . So I definitely would want to learn more about the world. Please dont forget to post here sir. I would be following keenly. Safe travels sir!!

Hey, you could check out the tag #culturevulture. People who do posts about their own country, the traditions, culture and daily life use this tag... I guess it would be anice way to meet new cultures until you have the chance to travel around and see the world :)

Thanks for this. Definitely checking out. Hows your trip so far??

Mi estimado @anomadsoul me encanta ese estilo de vida que escogiste, veo que te hace feliz y creo que la vida se trata de eso "ser feliz". A mi me hace feliz viajar y conocer sitios, culturas y personas nuevas sólo que nos soy tan aventurera como tu 😜 y lo hago de la manera tradicional jejeje. Soy venezolana, desde hace tres años vivo en Tabasco. He oido que el Cañon del Sumidero es una belleza natural espectacular, no lo conozco aun, solo he llegado hasta Palenque, pero es algo que haré muy pronto si dios quiere. Hace poco conocí un pueblito mágico llamado Tapijulapa a lo mejor tu ya lo conoces, pero si no, te invito a mi blog para que conozcas parte de él. Te deseo lo mejor en tu aventura y estaremos esperando las maravillosas fotos.👍

De verdad que Chiapas ofrece como muchos estados de México, un sin fin de aventuras, paisajes y experiencias. No tengo el gusto de conocer Tabasco pero hoy entra a mi lista! Que bueno que aun hay gente viajera! Saludos

Since I'm one of those people that's only been following the past couple of months I'm looking forward to these updates.

Lol yeah man, the nomad you met was the resting one, now its awaken :D

Hola amigo hoy puedo leer tu post .es interesante saber que no solo disfruta el viaje también lo trabaja para mostrar los lugares maravilloso a la comunidad stemit.es grato reconocer el trabajo de las personas cuando lo hacen bien en este caso aplica para usted. Te felicito.
No olvides seguir me
Te invito a leer mi post y compartir con amigo y familiares
Por favor comenta y vota

Muchas gracias por el apoyo! Como todo, a veces es dificil y requiere sacrificio, pero hay que disfrutarlo siempre. Saludos

Be safe out there buddy, you have an admirable approach to traveling and trying to blend in with the locals, I hear sticking out like a sore thumb is kind of dangerous in some places anyway.

Always prudent, never afraid but yeah, you are right, in some places its better to hang around with a bit more cautious. Thanks for the advice and for dropping by with a comment!

Hah you're definitely way more well-traveled than me, just repeating what I've heard. Have fun out there!

love your purpose for travelling well-said @anomadsoul, am also love travelling but never really got a chance to travel out of egypt hope one day i could travel the world, I once saw you published a post talk about your trib to africa and your pic's with the children this is too kind of you I still remember this till now also remeber you cuz you once nominate my first post on steemit, i've left steemit for a while and am back agian today i've wrote post to talk about why I left steemit and why am back, glad to see you.

Well, its always about starting small... My first trip was around México, I know most of my country because I wanted to start traveling for long periods but close to home and to get to know Mexico beautyness.
Yeah, it was a town in Nicaragua called Africa haha, but it is an african colony and the physical aspects of the people there is similar to people in Africa.
I hope you don´t leave us again my friend, Steemit needs people like us to keep growing stronger.

Looking forward to hearing of your adventures! I have only been connected with you since December so i have only heard faint whispers of your life as a nomad ;) haha! so I am excited to float on with you for some of your exciting moments.. So much yes to this, it's the only way to travel for me too- so much life!

this - for me - is the proper way to get in touch with the locals, their culture, traditions, the daily life in any town, normal problems people living there face etc. It is the way to be a citizen of any town you go to, it´s the small opportunity I get to experience the real vibe of any place, even if it is for just a few days.

Safe and happy travels <3

Oh wow, now I pretty much have to post about that lifestyle more often... My followers grew around 150% in the past 3 months so a lot of them only know about the resting nomad, the nomad on the move is just a whisper as you say haha.

haha!! i'm sure the nomad in you will start to roar here pretty soon ;)

The travelling style you've adopted is the best. It eliminates window dressing and helps you to see the world the way it is. Please don't change this style. I love it.

Then, as usual, don't forget posting pictures because some of us here are following you from our smart phones.

I promise to post a lot of pictures and videos whenever I have the opportunity! And I promise to never never ever change the travel style :D

Wow. Wonderful promises. I trust you will keep them. Stay safe.

Have fun there, In fact it's the best way to know a place, it's culture and traditions :)
Would love to see those areas through your words and camera lens ;)

Ya te tengo envidia!!! Lo bien que lo vas a pasar con el dron ahí hermano!!!!
Mira esos paisajes dios mio!!!

I already envy you !!! How much fun you will have with the drone there brother!
Look at those landscapes, my God!


No pude traer el dron! Se necesita una licencia internacional para no meterte en problemas, pero te prometo que disfrutaré al máximo. Abrazo

You are a real adventurer. And life is a continuous unexpected adventure, this is what awaits you ahead. Yes, there will be luck with you throughout the trip.

Вы настоящий авантюрист. А жизнь сплошная неожиданных приключений, это то, что ждет Вас впереди. Да буде с Вами удача на протяжении всего путешествия.

I always say that every traveler needs a bit of luck to learn out of every experience, thank you for your good wishes, I hope luck is on my side every day.

Almost like Anthony Burdain but with a Steemit vibe! It’s great to see the culture of a town, the history, or revered relics. Tourists can’t learn the intimacy of a town or culture by staying at a 5-star hotel or visiting hot spots. What you’re doing is a great way to share the true culture of a place. Looking forward to your travels! Be safe.

Oh wow Im so hononred that you compare me with Anthony! A Job in Discovery Channel or National Geogrpahic is probably my dream job actually. Exactly, to really experience a country you have to take the cheao road :D

Guatemala!!! Wow. A real tour it is but getting down with the locals like you said is the real fun. It's not easy moving from one place to the other and that is real work too. Can't wait to read about your adventures accompanied by load of pictures. Have fun. We will be here waiting for you. Safe trip and stay too. Thanks for all you do.

Yeah exactly, sometimes it is even cheaper to take a guided tour than to do it by yourself, but this is one in a million... For example, to visit a Canyon in Southern Mexico, it was cheaper to book the tour than to do it by yourself. I promise to include a lot of pictures in my posts, and some videos too! Thanks for fropping by and giving me such a nive comment my friend.

You have always been an amazing being and feels good reading from you. Yeah, guided tour should be cheaper and you won't have to wander off. I look forward to those pictures and videos.

You should be pleased to know that so many people from all over the world are following your movement and are waiting for your fascinating stories. And this pretty T-shirt will be the reference point of our magical world from which you came. We are all residents of the magical country of Steemit, and our travelers tell us about the planet Earth! Good luck on the road and a lot of good people in your travels!

Вам должно быть приятно осознавать, что так много людей со всего мира следят за вашим передвижением и ждут ваших увлекательных историй. А эта симпатичная футболка будет ориентиром нашего магического мира, из которого вы пришли. Мы все жители волшебной страны Steemit, а наши путешественники рассказывают нам о планете Земля! Удачи вам в пути и множество хороших людей в ваших странствиях!

When you started, I was expecting to see a job like engineer, banker.... but you blew my mind, taking me off balance when you said for you traveling is a job. I love to see the pictures from this trip and the fun/adventure at every location.

Have a nice trip man

Oh no man, I enjoy working with numbers and I like money, but not enough for working on those fields haha
Yeah, it took a lot of effort and sweat but finally after a lot of years of doing the things I must and not the things I want, is paying off.

You are right man, it pays off if we do those things we must and not the ones we want, the end is always sweet but the beginning requires much effort and sweat.

This is beautiful, I love the way you carry me along in your travels through your detailed photos, enjoy your journey, I wish to go with you physically someday

I will be glue to to post to read about your travel experience.
I love adventures too, and steemit is making my dream come through, I got the opportunity to leave the boarders of Nigeria for the first time for a meetup in Ghana.
I hope to explore more countries too for fun and work though 😁😁

So excited for you! A chance to be where your heart's at. You're slowly teasing us with this project that you said would make us think you are 'crazy'. Hahaha, we shall see. Will google Cañón del sumidero, Chiapas to find out where you're at.
Take care and enjoy your adventures!

I love that way of traveling! So free. I backpacked for four months in Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Ecuador, but I carried a lot more than that in my pack. lol! My favourite meal was gallo pinto for like $2 in the markets in Nicaragua. Met some amazing people. #grateful

Steem on, Eric! I look forward to reading about your adventures. :)

I am staying tuned for more details of your adventure! I lived in Chile and saw a very tiny portion of Argentina, but I've never been to Guatemala, or any part of Central America. Some people imagine everything south of Mexico as all the same, but the culture differs greatly from place to place! While I really only scratched the surface learning some of the traditions of Chile, it made me appreciate the differences in humanity, knowing that we can all live very different ways but all speak the same language of love.

Oh yeah! I know that story! I love how all the family is on steemit and by reading some of your blogs we can start to put the pieces of the story together! Exactly, every country has a different set of traditions, culture and it is always amazing to see how the drill is in every town, that part is what I like the most of visiting new places - or sometimes revisiting them -, you will always learn something new and experience something different!
That is so true, we all speak one same language, we just sometimes forget how to comunicate the right way...

Yeah, there are quite a few of us on here to tell the tale! You actually got to snag a good photo with my sis at Steem Fest! I would have really enjoyed coming, but I had to go have a baby and stuff, haha!

Exactly, you will always learn something new when you travel to new places!

Yes, sometimes we don't communicate love well. :(

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, al leer otros blogs se juntan piezas de esta gran familia, seguimos creciendo amigo. Saludos desde Venezuela.
I totally agree with you, when you read other blogs pieces of this great family come together, we keep growing up friend. Greetings from Venezuela.

Se que sera difícil que leas mi comentario! pero igual lo intento.
Primero quiero agradecerte por el voto que me diste en mi post "En los trabajos de construcción se asegura y controla la calidad", en segundo lugar, me gustaría saber: ¿De todos los lugares que has visitado, cual ha sido tu favorito?.

Recientemente publique un post, sobre un lugar recóndito en Venezuela, lo conocí gracias a mis trabajos en los proyectos de construcción.


Well traveling is a great way to advertise steemit. I love traveling but I can't travel much because of work and may be one day I will be able to get much from steemit and I will start traveling and advertising steemit on different places of the world. Have fun my friend. Thaks for sharing.

Hi Eric, i got a hint from my dear friend @joythewanderer about you! She told me you are traveling in Latin America. I just saw you go to Guatemala - that's exactly where we are planning to go coming May. You wrote you like to travel the local way and individually - thats also our travel style. Looking forward to reading your stories and get some inspiration of where to go and what to do! Keep posting and safe travels! Li:-)

Yes while last couple of months you produced very enjoyably posts from Mexico, I learned Pueblo and I can#t forget those beautiful churches and street art, also amazing underground tunnel. Your stories had a lot of passion and emotions therefore, it was a surprise for me to hear that you were there because of your work and not just for fan. I can imagine how it might be when you finished your work and would like to relax, probably in your relaxation hours you just write your posts. For some people it is like distraction, especially for many writers :)

Que bueno que compartas estas experiencias, me encantó tu camiseta de Steemit, yo también tengo una ♥, encantada de unirme a esta red, y también de escucharte el sábado en el Meetup que se llevó a cabo en la ciudad de El Tigre, Anzoátegui, Vzla.

Hi, @anomadsoul esperare tus publicaciones, he viajado como tu explicas que te gusta, porque me gusta mucho compartir con lo locales, pero no siempre lo hago pues depende si es muy poco el tiempo en el que vaya a estar en el sitio, y quizá de la disponibilidad de dinero, pero en fin viajar y conocer nuevo lugares y personas es un placer!!!

Saludos y estamos en contacto.-

It's a wonderful job. Accept my respect and admiration for you! I will wait for your new fascinating stories. It's such a rarity, when a person finds an ideal job for himself and does it with joy!

but the thing is, for me traveling is my real job. I take it very seriously and I try to make the most of every minute I spent on every place. This means that I don´t sleep much while I try to visit all the cool spots everywhere; I try to do all the touristic stuff - while trying to pay like a local, or not paying at all - and I try to save money all the time.

Gosh! the kinda job i have wanted all my life. This sounds like a fun job to me. But i wonder how you manage to travel a lot and still save. You must be a travel genius then coz i spent like hell whenever i travel,

Its good to have you back on the road though. Its good to have you do when you enjoy doing.

I wish you a very safe trip as you explore the world @anomadsoul

It took a lof of luck and some effort from my part, but today I can say all that previous work and sweat is paying off... My intention is to show people that it doesn´t take a lot of money to travel, just some self confidence and taking a leap of faith that everything will go ok.

I love adventures, I love travelling and I love the way you do it, enjoy yourself greatly but always remember to carry me along. Thank you for sharing.

I was thinking of making clothes like you with a steemit logo. This is very interesting.

Have a nice trip

I was a backpacker for about a month, it was supposed to be for years. Every destination became a longer and longer stay....I only made it to my third city haha

Why did you stop?? There has to be a good reason man:(

Nothing but good reasons! I wanted to really know each place I was going, I wanted a “relationship”, not a “one night stand”....an open relationships hahaha. A lot of it had to do with really learning the language and culture. I guess I got what I wanted though, now I feel totally home in about 5 cities, I can surprise locals with my knowledge of good stuff. I broke up with the first city...thinking of proposing to her cousin but I need to get my shit together first, maybe play around a bit more. Let me know if you are in Asia.

I like they way you travel!!
As it always a excitment about what do next!


¿Vas para esta belleza natural?


Si es así, es impresionante... Éxito en tu aventura... Quedé encantado.


No puedes ir a chiapas y no visitar el cañon del sumidero!

nice t-shirt <3

Some people make the mistake of thinking I travel only for fun and I´m on a constant vacation, drinking mojitos on the beach while meeting cute girls everyday... but the thing is, for me traveling is my real job. I take it very seriously and I try to make the most of every minute I spent on every place. This means that I don´t sleep much while I try to visit all the cool spots everywhere; I try to do all the touristic stuff - while trying to pay like a local, or not paying at all - and I try to save money all the time.

Too me i don't see anything bad catching fun, Sometimes we just need to take a break for a while, Once again safe trip.

Some people travel to get in 5* hotel while drinking fancy champagne while they do not actually visit the place they traveled to because they are mostly spending time in the hotel... You have good approach to the travel lifestyle, experience the culture and nature of the place you visit :) Awesome!

You are lucky to be able to travel like that. Are we allowed to print our own t-shirts like that?

I hope that one day you will travel here, to Croatia

Travel safe!
Diviértete, un día en la oficina.. Y no hay corbata de por medio!

Eric, good travels my friend. I'll be in this same spot looking forward to what you've been up to.

Thanks man, I´ll try to keep my blog up to date so people know my whereabouts :D Thanks for dropping by my friend!

Uhh, espero la recopilación de este viaje, se ve bueno! Una fotitos!

Very cool! Thanks for visiting my site... I also want a Steemit shirt :(

Vientos! Esa es la manera de viajar, equipaje ligero y ganas de aprender! Buen viaje @anomadsoul, Abrazos

So, you have a shirt with steemit logo? ahaan.
happy to see your love for this platform.

Really nice! Safe travels. Do you already know what you’re going to do in Guatemala! I was there last summer, amazing country!! Have fun.

Excelente hermano, me parece fascinante tu manera de percibir y vivir. Éxito y buena vibra en tu aventura

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