That is it, I am going to have to share some of my favourite rocks now lol! Just need to write a poem to go with them and stop being so inspired by your rocks lol
Oh great jagged rock
So grey and old
What great stories
Hide in your folds
I can see why the jagged rock is one of your favourites. Triangles are natures perfection, marking things out as special. Is the next shot it from the side? It is like a rugged cliff hidden in the forest, perfect for so much imagining! Your girls must have so much fun playing pretend here!
I share my rocks to inspire you! lol I wanna see the rocks around you though, please do share. Pretty pictures of your own would go great with your writing! :) I really do think that the triangle one came off of the giant rock way out back my house.
I do have one, it is very special. I will try and get some good pictures of it. Most of my rocks are ones I have found and brought home, but then there is the great stone tortoise, although I am writing a story for him. The sky was beautiful this morning, i thought of your pictures and decided to try and capture it, so I left my cereal to go a little too soggy (bleh!) and dashed outside to take the picture!
Cool! I cannot wait to see ya rocks! Sorry about your cereal, that's funny, I've some getting soggy on me now :p Skys been very gray all day here. I hope I can see that super blood moon at 6:00am my time, I think you should be able to see it as well. I must find batteries for the camera, I had four new ones for my new camera and they are all dead now. Only two rechargeables left now, and they are just about junk