1. TO ALL YUPPIES, HIPPIES, HIPSTERS, ANIMAL-WACKOS, ETC.: Papa Pepper did all that he could to warn anyone that doesn't agree with hunting to pass on this article, yet you still feel the need to interject your opinion...So, here's mine: I too (and pepper) agree that senseless killing of animals is egregious, and against the will of The Creator. We, as the top species, have a responsibility to act in the best interest of the overall ecosystem. As part of that effort, a periodic culling of the herd is desirable and necessary (as evidenced through many University-backed wildlife management programs) . Most people agree that having natural predators (ie wolves and mountain lions) running around town is a bad thing
2. TO ALL HUNTERS, WILDLIFE MANAGERS, AND PEOPLE OF COMMON SENSE/RATIONAL THOUGHT: We will all encounter people that disagree with our views and opinions. No matter what precautions we take in life (or Steemit), someone will always "come of of the wood work" to voice their little-ole opinions. This is perfectly fine and natural. I have heard many times throughout my life, from rather successful people, "If you don't have haters
3. TO @PAPAPEPPER HIMSELF. ON BEHALF OF ALL THE OTHER HUNTERS OUT THERE IN STEEMIT LAND: Screw you dude! That's cheating! I have to drive several hours just to get to the woods! Setup my camp, hike through the woods in the cold at 3 or 4 AM, HOPEFULLY bag a deer, drag it back to camp, clean it, pack it away, then drive several hours back home...ITS JUST NOT FAIR! (He said green with envy)., then you aren't doing anything of consequence." I think Papa handles his haters with grace and restraint; more than I can say for myself :) Cuddos to you @PapaPepper.
Best reply EVVA!
Thanks man
Based on number 3, you have some room for improvement.
Yes indeed, I need to move to the woods and have them running around the road willie-nillie!