Nepalese Porter

in #adventure5 years ago

A nepalese porter carries goods for sale up to Namche Bazzar. Often trekking in husband and wife teams, carrying 93 percent and 66 percent of their body weights respectively, for weeks at a time over steep inclines at high altitude. Studies have shown them to be the most efficient in the world consuming less energy per kilogram than a standard backpacker would need to shoulder about half the same weight. They carry their load in a Doko, which is an oversized basket that rests against the back. Most of the weight is taken on the crown of the head via a strap that runs from the head underneath the Doko. The T-shaped walking stick is called a Tokma to take some of the strain off the back and assist rest. Namche Bazaar is located in the Solukhumbu District in the Sagarmatha Zone of north-eastern Nepal. The village is 3,440 metres (11,286 ft) at its lowest point. Shot on Fuji Velvia slide film.


here.If you would like to learn a little bit more about my background in photography you can read the interview @photofeed did with me

Robert Downie
Love Life, Love Photography

All images in this post were taken by and remain the Copyright of Robert Downie -


Gran fotografía. Es lo mismo que viven muchos venezolanos en la frontera con Colombia ayudando a las demás personas a cargar la mercancía que traen de ese país, hasta pelean a veces y persiguen a los carros para ganarle a los demás y ser ellos quienes lleven la mercancía, todo para ganar los pocos pesos colombianos que le dan. Es fuerte, no soy médico, pero debe traer consecuencias en un futuro.

Me encantaría viajar por Venezuela. En realidad, no estamos muy lejos en Granada, sin embargo, lamentablemente, la piratería es un problema en la costa. Estoy de acuerdo en que debe tener consecuencias a largo plazo. Los nepaleses son muy bajos y esto puede ser parte de la razón.

Photography and very effective and inspiring story is something we all look for. Stay blessed always.@intrepidphotos,

Thanks mate; hope life is treating you well.

Welcome. In my opinion Life treats us the same but we put forward different perspectives. 🙂

To an extent. But sometimes chance can simply be against you.

Heart touching photography!

Glad you like it. Have you ever been to Nepal ? Its a wonderful country.

No. I never visited Nepal but heard alot about its beauty.

Great catched his young face expression very well: a bit tired and thoughtful for the near future...Life is a long way which no one knows where it will lead at the end...

Thanks. Can you even imagine doing that for a job?

Actually i did...when i was teenage(16-19 years old) i sold woman clothes in the Bazaar and i was also carrier with a big basket on my back 😂 i carried tangerine but i did the second job only two days...Because it was very tiring job..

Great post and nice HD quality for the picture, Allow me to reblog your post brother @intrepidphotos

That looks and sounds pretty back breaking x_x though if it's that efficient I'm wondering if backpackers backpacks should be made like that? XD

No matter how efficient it would still be back breaking at those loads.