in #adventure7 years ago

This was NOT what we expected!

Life sure changes rapidly, and there are a lot of variable. Recently, we had a prime example. On Wednesday, the two oldest @little-peppers and I went down to a local creek that flows into the nearby lake. The water was a great temperature, which surprised me, and we had an amazing time. I spent quite a while snorkeling and saw some amazing fish and turtles in the clear water.

completely different. It was also raining, but when we sought shelter under a rock outcropping, we realized that we were not alone, and found our first Water Moccasin of the year. The whole thing is documented in this video. Enjoy!In typical @papa-pepper style, I even caught some of the turtles. Yesterday, after seeing all of the big fish a day before, I thought that I might try to catch some with my oldest son. However, it had been raining and the creek was now a raging river full of fast, brown water. Everything was


here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and


Until next time…

GIF provided by @anzirpasai




Is that first picture yours too?

I like this one too! Hilarious photo!

Yup, a different Water Moccasin though, you can see the post here:

That's a great picture, man.

It is rightly said that a person nature's is know by the way he treats animals.
I have been voraciously reading all your posts and you are hell of an adrenaline junkie .Even at this age nothing has left you, I wonder how you manage to muster up all the courage to hold reptiles in such a calm fashion.

Adrenaline Junkie? I guess that depends on perspective!

Yes I find you to be one sir.

WoW! Another snake!...:)...

All spring, summer, and fall long!

Be safe!....:)...

umm am I watching Animal planet? o.O

Good adventure btw :)

LOL - People have periodically compared my life to that before!

Wow 🙉.. Super papa ... All I saw was snake ... I respect your courage @papa-pepper and I enjoyed watching you right there too

Your little boy really love adventure and that is so cool and he is so cute as well

Actually you do some work as extraordinarily as you have taken a snake to catch fish. This is really a terrible thing that everyone can not do but you usually do it and you like it very much and I am your eloquent fans....

One.of the few things I am glad about living this far north is that we don't really have any poisonous snakes. I don't think I would go swimming if I knew there were some in the water.

One of the things about living this far south, Australia, is that every step is taken known there could be one of the world's most VENOMOUS (big difference between POISONOUS and VENOMOUS) under your next step. And yet, few people get bitten. Most get bitten trying to kill or relocate the snake.Leave them alone, you don't have problems.

And as for swimming, lol. Snakes are the thing most people DON'T worry about. Even though the Tiger, (3rd most venomous on some lists, 4th on others) is a proficient swimmer and hunts in the water.

this is very cool, fishing is a very nice job, we do not realize that the night will arrive at the time of fishing, so we neglected when fishing, because I also hobby fishing @papa-pepper.

this is the animal I fear most, but you are so brave to hold the snake. your adrenaline is very strong 😂

LOL - I just like to be more in control of the situation.

There is absolutely NO reason to fear snakes. YOU are too big for prey, and only one thing will make you a threat - your actions. Be sensible, stay clear, don't try and kill it, or move it, and the snake will want NOTHING to do with you.

That's a denjerous snacks, I like this video.
keep it up my dear friend.... best of luck.

cool. nothing beats having a good time with the family. :D

It's takes a strong man like@papa-pepper to face a snake nice work

If I was there, I know I'd have been scared to hell

That Moccasin is really one of the year...

Wow. @papa-pepper i get so amased at the way you hold this dangerous reptiles. Good one there.

@papa-papper i see your activity i am very interest. I think you are some job creativity it is very nice

Beautiful video and very dangerous animals.
Thanks for sharing this nature. I appreciate your your valuable Post.

man wtf??? it is like you go hunt/fish and you get hunted/fished. I assume you are very careful.

Always careful!

Another @papa-pepper's adventure

That water moccasin looks like he was ready to strike you! The little peppers are pros around snakes!

What a difference a few hours and a lot of rain can make. That water is pretty fast flowing. I prefer my water a little cleaner and not as fast moving...

You didn't eat the snake, LOL?

Haha. We're under this ledge, it is pissing down rain, there is a venomous snake, I know, let's annoy it! You're my kinda guy!