Chapter 2: The budget

in #adventure7 years ago

Image of budget

One of the headaches of any entrepreneur, is the budget, to obtain the necessary resources for the birth or realization of a new initiative. That is why it is so important to know the magnitude of the proposal and to establish priorities. I will give you an example, i have always longed to have a radio station, in my country it requires a large capital to start that project, not being able to do it for now, i have classified it as a prospective goal, which implies that all my undertakings they must contribute in the long term to that project can materialize.

Therefore, i establish strategic projects that allow me two fundamental things, be happy, and generate money. It is essential not to lose perspective that everything we do is for happiness, personal and that of our loved ones, otherwise we commit the eternal lament of the employee that we mentioned in the previous article, then there is no success without happiness.

Now, when generating money, it is vital that you consider the scope of your proposal. Focus your time on studying if what you want to do is good for the rest of the people, and if, based on market studies, you will have a considerable income so that you can live off that and at the same time contribute to your prospective objective.

It is advisable, taking advantage of the technological era, to know all the free tools that exist on the network, so that you can reduce expenses to a minimum. An example of this can be the sales on the Internet, you can research what are the most demanded products or services on the internet and how to offer it cheaper while preserving the quality of the product, do not forget how Ebay was born, everything that is published on the internet is sold, and getting to know the audience faster. It is an initiative that allows you to work with free platforms, in which you only have to invest time and few resources.

Do not forget that Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other platforms, emerged with few resources and where, guess where, if from the Internet and with low resources, so if you have skills for application programming, or want to offer a new tool to the service of the people, the plan is not so preposterous.

Support in social networks

Instagram is a network to share images of special moments and to play a joke to a friend, but today many emerging companies use this social network to get their products to the millions of users who consume content in it. Do not rule out this possibility.

Another element to consider in the 2.0 era, is your talent, if, as you read it, your talent, if you have an interesting proposal to make it known to the world, you can start recording videos on YouTube and monetize them, it works in a similar way to steemit, although the algorithms make a bad move to any entrepreneur.

A Blog is also a good alternative, the key is the constancy in the generation of content, which can later be monetized by doing SEO in Google, there are thousands of videos on YouTube that can explain much better how to achieve success in that field.

Final thoughts

Your reality will mark what kind of initiative you can undertake, if you do not have great resources, it is preferable that you opt for the online market. If you have more resources, or accounts with one or another settlement, savings and other methods, develop an investment plan objectively, which allows you to assess how much is the investment risk with that idea you have in mind.

Remember that in the previous article we talked about losing you also win, but consider the opinion of other people when making a large investment, always the opinion of other people outside your initiative, can hit the spot to get out of a problem that you have raised yourself to begin. Do not be afraid to tell what you plan to do, imagine that you develop the idea of ​​the century, but you never thought of a detail that would save you millions of dollars, the solution to that problem can be given by a relative or friend who is oblivious to what you want Doing the spot.

Let's go!