So I decided to surprise my boyfriend, @bmoney974 and take him on another 'Galexxi-Ship' adventure to the Kennedy Space Center in Titusville, Florida. I know how much we both love the stars,deep spaces, and all realities that can form so I wanted to make a great experience a lifetime memory. Yeah ...I'm a pretty cool girlfriend lol
Like most shuttles, they transport cargo through space and possibly people across in the near future 🤗 I think its very neat and interesting to live a life like the Jetsons Family one day, and we are all in our own little family rockets. Check out the picture we took riding up to park.

The Exploration of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 is aiming to launch cargo and eventually launch people to the low-Earth orbit within some years to come. I thought it would be something cool to surprise @bmoney974, so I figured we would take off in the Galexxi-ship and take a random BAE-CATION to Kennedy’S Space Center in Titusville, Florida to check out the Launch up close in person. OOoohh weeeh!! We are so freaakinn excited! Boss up! SPACE TIME!! Lol

OH WOW! Who knew that you could have a whole day adventure at the Kennedy Space Center! The rocket doesn’t launch until 3:10 its been pushed back, but in the meant time...we definitely had a blast ‼️

THERE IT GOES..AND WE’RE OFF!! A very successful take off and the shuttle has made a great landing coming back down. I mean the way that I felt seeing the Shuttle take launch was amazing. We weren’t able to take the actual tour busses to the Apollo/Saturn station, and all honesty were glad we didn’t. We were able to watch the launch and finish our adventurous day at the Station. Check out more of my pics below
Hope you all enjoyed our Bae-cation to the Space Center. Very fun, cool and interesting, always nice to learn new things everyday. If anyone else knows any other technologies involved with NASA and other cool space stuff be sure to follow me, re-steem and I would love to share experiences together. See you guys soon on our next Baecation 😜