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RE: Proposal: Paid Advertising on Steem (with a Twist)

in #advertising7 years ago

Interesting idea. I remember when I had it over a year ago...

Problem is - Ned already shot that idea down, so don’t expect it to be supported by their dev team or added to their UI.


Well, a lot has changed in two years. Maybe we'll have better luck. I doubt they would jump on board right away, but if we can get a standardized protocol agreed to by the developer community and a few sites (like maybe to start the integration - they may be willing to accept and merge a pull request if a community dev does the work.

(It will be an up-hill battle, but there is a good chance we can make it work.)

I think getting Steem Dapps to use it would be a better/easier idea. That way they get more funds to reward there users/take less money out of posts this letting users earn more.

Ned has a bad track record. I wish he would step down, and let smarter people take over. We got to get people with a proven track record, to take over positions in the company. Investors should ask him to make room, or resign.

It's not hard to figure out when someones burnt out. The guy treats his account like his personal Instagram. There's very little content or insight coming from him lately.

The smartest thing for NED is to keep his Steempower, and find better executives and programmers to replace him, then sell his position, when Steem rises to an all time high.