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RE: Proposal: Paid Advertising on Steem (with a Twist)

in #advertising7 years ago

I as actually talking about this on another post lately just from a more business perspective than a development one.

My question is how can we add external revenue to the steem blockchain?
I think that we have a great project here with a lot of developments coming down the line. However, the real value of any company is it's earning power. For me SP are each of our stakes in the company. We are all investors in what we have here but to see real value for our stakes I believe we need an external source of revenue. What I would love to see when SMT's go live is an some sort of ad token. A token linked directly to ad revenue earned and distributed on a regular basis depending on your SP.
Who wouldn't want to hold massive amounts of STEEM if you were getting payed regular dividends from revenue generated by all the different functions of the blockchain.

Part of that for me would be allowing an account to switch off advertisements like you said and then not to receive any add tokens or whatever system was put in place.

What if content creators were able to further monetize their content through the use of ads? This is nothing new. Platforms like YouTube already offer this. Typically though, these platforms take a majority cut of the money. The content producer only earns a small percentage of the overall revenue taken in from the advertisements.
I am a firm believer in the mission statement that was written in the Steem whitepaper: Rewarding the users for the contributions they make to the platform.
If a user is generating content that is worth thousands of dollars to advertisers, why shouldn't they keep 100% of the ad revenue?

I know that your idea was to allow posters to advertise on there own content which is a different path to what i was thinking. i was thinking more of having advertising across the whole blockchain with steem holders all receiving a share of the revenue. Now I haven't a clue about coding or development so i can answer on the logistics of doing any of this but I had been thinking along these lines myself.


having advertising across the whole blockchain with steem holders all receiving a share of the revenue.

This is along the lines of what we have in place today with promoted posts. All of the revenue from those is burned, which is essentially a form of payment to stakeholders.

The main difference with mine is that the revenue would be going to the content creators themselves.