I'm talking about spending $300 on 1 weeks Steempower delegation. If they go to minnowbooster.net, and they spend $300 at the standard 15.6 Apr, they will get 50000 Steempower for one week.
If they prepare a well designed focus group, they can reward the community with a $2.29 Steem Upvote at full power, or $0.29 at 10%. This will incentive's a ton of minnows, to join their debates and help them make important product decisions.
One consultant at $300 an hour, vs getting a great debate going with hundreds of comments.
For corporations, a dirt cheap focus group would cost them $1500, so if they spent $1500 on Steempower, they could get 250000 Steem for a week, and reward $11.42 full upvotes.
The whales might not bother, but the minnows would flock to their online focus groups!
Just look at Tim's example. Tim's been rewarding 0.08 and 0.15 Steem upvotes for members of this debate. Look at the feedback in these comments. If Tim got one hour from a consultant, do you think he would get pages and pages of useful ideas, for improving advertising on the Steem platform?
We got like 30 or 50 people bouncing ideas off each other. This could work on a massive scale, and they could use a professional moderator to Steer the debate. This is Steem's hidden potential. No other platform, that I know off, could implement this on a wide scale. They NEED to look into this! This idea wouldn't require a hardfork or any programming changes. Maybe just create a new tag, so people know where to find the corporate focus groups.
I'm just using https://steemnow.com/upvotecalc.html
Steem has significant edge. Hardly anyone is trolling these debates. Advertisers don't want to waste time on amateur forums, with a bunch of losers who post PEPE the frog memes all day. They would love the maturity of the Steem community. Thanks to downvotes punishments, there is actually civil debates here.
I think Steem has one of the most mature online communities on the planet. Yes maybe their a few idiots, but the majority of us, aren't here to Troll one another, we see this as an investment. It's hard to find the same high-quality feedback anywhere else.
This is not the hidden potential, this is the wasted potential.
I missed my 0.08 even tho I wasn't here for that, I can see stellabelle name right under this box, whose reputation is 76 and has already a $1.66 vote value, I don't think she's here for that 0.08 either :|
I'm just here because 2nd top witness proposing something which I don't agree so I'm sharing my opinions.
Sorry for my miscalculation, and misunderstanding. I didn't think it was just for one week.
As you said it's not hard to achieve but we are busy with circle-jerking, self-voting. debating about how should we call promotional coughbidbot services.
I get that, but if it's all we talk about, will turn new users off. There is always going to be insiders on any platform. If we get the corporations in here first, then we will begin to raise some of our standards. Will have something positive to focus on. And they will be less circle jerking in the focus groups.
I'm not so worried about changing the Steem system, I just want to make it bigger, and boost the value of Steem. I think focus group advertising, would give people something interesting to do, and many minnows would find a new revenue source.
We got to stop infighting, because it spreads FUD and looks bad to investors. I want to boost the positive opportunities first, and worry less about some of the crap, that is always going to exist. They can catch more flies with honey, than vinegar.
This is a great idea and I will work on it. My community @rutablockchain has everything necessary to develop it locally in Venezuela and we could expand it. I'll get intense with this: D thank you