Imagine a steem interface (better version of steemit) where content creators could decide if they want to include ads like this in their posts. Some small part of the revenue could even go to steem inc.
So much potential but @ned is just completely not interested in making steemit a viable social platform that generates income. No idea why:(
Also great post, thank you:) !tipuvote 5
Appreciate the nice words @cardboard :-)
The challenge with allowing ads from end-users is the potential for abuse. Even with all the anti fraud and scanning measures we end up having ads from different categories. Imagine ending showing ads related to Tobaco to younger audience or violate the geographical locations. This can get very tricky.
One of the funniest and toughest scenario that I have found myself is "defining nakedness". We manage ads for a news paper owned by a certain religious group. The news paper often quite popular and unless they are reporting matters close to their religion, they are very good. They have strict policy against tobaco, liquor and also no dating advertisements. Occasionally an advertisement pops up which may be for something like a matrimonial site. Some takes a screen shot and shares with the management. Someone from our end gets a call. Once the representative from our end "declined" that the particular ad contains no nudity or nakedness. This got escalated and we found ourselves in the business of defining "nakedness" and "level of nakedness" allowed in the religious context - We finally had to apologize, give them discounts and steer away.
Apart from the uncertainty like this, allowing ads from the users also will have challenges like the one which Myspace faced - extreme customization was allowed resulting in challenges.
But the idea of giving back to the "authors" as an ongoing revenue is something that has immense potential. With the current RTB servers it is possible thogh the return will be low as the payouts are something like max 10 USD per 1000 impressions.
A solution like what is being offered by BAT (basic attention token) can be explored. I think @themarkymark had some ideas around BAT. I am interested in hearing thoughts from anyone who has ideas about BAT + STEEM :-)
Thanks for the answer :) Check out @dclick app - it's something like a first version of users generated ads on steemit.
I think it would be cool to create something like a ads market - where you can both create an ad and pick which one you want in your post. Not my idea though!