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RE: Intuition Vs. Super-Intuition - A followup on the nobel laureate, Daniel Kahneman's studies

in #advice7 years ago

Our thinking mind sees only what lies within the eye. It is short-sighted, bringing short-term comfort at best yet long-term discomfort.

Our Intuition or (Super-Intuition) sees what lies without the eye, taking into account subconscious curveballs, letting our every movement and action become preemptive measures which dissipate the curveball's subconscious root energy so that when it appears in our conscious it has been dismantled already.

Somewhat funny how Kahneman draws certain conclusions like 'immediate feedback from an expert'.
Intuition is Trust and Faith in one's own inherent power, as soon as something becomes externally driven it is not 100% in alignment with ourselves anymore. 'Programing' is somewhat synonymous with 'taking control of', and hence with 'Knowingness'.

The Universe has its own order and the best way to take control of it is to not take control of it.

Thanks and have a good day!


"The Universe has its own order and the best way to take control of it is to not take control of it."

Need to echo this👍

I'am agree

Whatever the condition when we go to the psychiatrist they first instruct is to be patient and learn to accept reality and engage in positive deeds, they also have a solution so that we are not caught up in the wrong thinking.