I have searched all over “google” the internet with a question I have that pertains to “creating your own reality”. While I am a huge fan of and believer in this concept, and also in thoughts being energy and powerful, I am still stuck on one aspect. When I see all of the inspirational quotes, or blogs, or courses or simply just articles outlining the path to being more conscious and aware and creating a powerful reality you desire, I think of the human beings on this planet that no amount of personal conscious thought or creating reality could ever help them. I’m talking some real dire situations here. Filthy water to drink, barely enough food to eat, no proper sanitation…where do these folks fit into the “create your own reality”. It is my only hangup with this system of thought and I don’t know how to appease my belief in this thought while knowing there are a lot of people in this world that will never have the opportunities that I have no matter how much they guide their thought and try to create their own reality. Anyone have any light to shed on my psychological dilemma?
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People choose the circumstances of their lives. They know very well to which physical environment they will be born. Once inside that reality they have the tools, like any other human, to choose different life. In fact, their dire situations serve as a catalyst to make a change in their lives.
Why would vou think that poor people, compared to the rich ones, are different in thier capacities to create they reality?!
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