B.A.L.S. - Ladies: Don't Lead Men On!

in #advice7 years ago

What up Dtube!

Ok, so if you have listened to my show before you know that I am pretty fair with the sexes, and I tend to call a spade a spade. Ladies, today it's your turn.

Stop leading men on.

If you aren't 15, and haven't lived in a bomb shelter your whole life, you should pretty much know what to expect from men, their general intentions, etc.

The woman in question today is a 40-something year old who is upset that a 70 year old has taken a liking to her. She took gifts from him and let him take her out a few times. He hasn't demanded sex, or been demeaning in any way, but merely took offense that she blew him off after seemingly allowing his advances.

I don't think women owe ANYTHING to men. Please let me make that clear. If you offer to take me out, and choose to take me to a pricey restaurant and insist on paying, you best not be expecting ANYTHING but some nice company. That doesn't mean that sex couldn't happen, but men should NEVER EVER expect it from something as simple as a paid dinner.

That being said, it irks me to no end when women deliberately use men to get freebies with no intent of ever seriously dating them and/or having sex with them. That's bullsh*t ladies, and if you are doing that, you need to stop, as you are making us all look bad.

Getting back to the lady in question...

The only person I feel sorry for here is the lonely old man that she led on. Perhaps he wanted sex from her, but it is more likely that he craved company and companionship and this woman took advantage of that.

Tune in to hear more of what Lady Steem has to say in a short couple of minutes!

Thanks for watching friends, and until next time, stay steemy!

xx - Lady Steem

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I see your video . Such a amazing video . Helpful information . Thanks for sharing @bethwheatcraft

Thanks for watching!

I'm loving your videos. You really cracked me up with this one. Keep'em coming.

Thanks for watching! They are a lot of fun to make!