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RE: "The spark has gone. Since I gained weight my boyfriend doesn't want to sleep with me. How can we solve our relationship problems?"

in #advice7 years ago

@nomad-magus now i realise what yesterday's blog related to not being loved on gaining wait was all about. Anyways a perfect advice Gila could had hardly received from anybody. If Gila starts taking her weight gain as a signal from the body that the balance is lost the more she will actually start losing it rather than that she can by simply going on a diet. If she decides otherwise and goes on a diet plan rather she will be for sure tangled in fight between her body and mind. You @nomad-magus have acted as a great counsellor and hopefully Gila realises it in the same way you want her to understand. And lets pray her partner soon realises that only two of us can solve the problem together. Lets hope he will be mature enough.