I decided to rid my life of "negative nellys"

in #advice8 years ago

I have been noticing more and more while browsing facebook that so many people are just so, damn, negative.

It seems like it is a new trend happening or something. Constant negativity. Always pissing and moaning about something. About how their life sucks so back on so many levels. Like they are the first person in the world to work a shitty job, have a shitty day, go through a break up, poke themselves in the eye... Like, come on!

I went on an unfollow spree on my facebook. Im not quite ready to cut people out of my life for their negativity but I certainly dont want it flooding my social media. What is it that has changed so much, that so many people are so pissy about life now???

Does anyone know the answer to this?

I mean, we all have our days where nothing goes right, everything is wrong and we just want the day to be done. We want to pull our hair out, scream at the top of our lungs or slap someone across the face lol. We ALL have those days. Nothing is perfect. But when all you see is negative. All you focus on is negative. That is what your life will be.

No matter how crappy my day is, I can always find ONE thing to be thankful for and happy about.

You get back, what you put out. If you are constantly negative, feeling like life owes you something, your life will be negative. The universe is bold like that. None of us are invincible.

Now, dont get me wrong, by no means am I harping on people with REAL issues and illnesses. Im talking, everyday, run of the mill shit that happens.

Look for something in each day, that you are thankful for. Something that went right. (ie. the sun came out, your favorite shirt looked awesome on you today, your coffee was perfect, you read something funny on the internet, anything)

Have your day and move on.