A few months ago I returned from a long trip to the Far East. At the end of the trip, there was really some kind of traumatic experience. I thought I had overcome it, but apparently, I still have something to take out (the experience involved physical violence towards me and my partner). After the trip, I even participated in a Vipassana workshop, where the goal was to learn to breathe through things and to rely solely on yourself in solving problems.
I believe that the dream takes on a great meaning (if I were the one who should interpret it) right from this hard confession, the situation they went through in their lives forever and for good reason, being a victim of violence in every sense has repercussions, although it is true that I would take the dream as a reminder to close cycles, Also using a little empathy, I think that being in that situation and the time to cut that negative link came, I would not know how to do it, I think my problem always derives in my difficulty to leave attachments, there are clings that even conscious of how harmful they are, I can not let go, however I love to know this:
- There is no force in the whole universe that is stronger than your own, that can force you to do something you do not want to do
It's totally important that my strength is greater than all the others, I think I need to start meeting that strength more often, thank you for today David.