Part of the lessons we go through in life. I keep saying this, and I will continue to do so -
our darkness is our divinity.
We have to go through hate/pain/anguish to really know love and our true heritage.
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Part of the lessons we go through in life. I keep saying this, and I will continue to do so -
We have to go through hate/pain/anguish to really know love and our true heritage.
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Sadly we end up missing all those rules when we fell in love. The rage to have the love back just blackouts our thought process.
Love or hate the sooner you realize the limits the better it is for future.
Which limits?
Love and hatred makes you do things that you regret once you are out of it.
It is just a thin line between the two of them. It takes seconds to fall in love and it takes seconds to hate. But when love turns to hate it takes a miracle to turn back to love