Theme: How does it serve you?
This is really a pertinent question to ask at every point in your life. Just before you start worrying or drowning yourself in the thoughts, think about how that situation serves you.
I had never known that a bad situation could serve towards a positive end until I read this post with all your examples and I could relate to one.
No relationship - are you alone, and by yourself for a long time? How does it serve you? You may need this solitude to focus on your inner self without distraction (or so you believe); or you may choose to avoid the company of others because you are afraid to expose yourself and get close to someone, which basically is an issue of self-love.
Can totally relate to this. I am single right now and most times I just wish I could find someone to love. But when I have a second thought, I just realise how much I am not cut out for the mental and emotional stress which comes with dating and relationships .
I enjoyed this post...