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RE: The Master's wisdoms # 19 – everything is at your service

in #advice7 years ago

Honestly I never had hid behind the back of someone who always defended me, of that I am learning to be a strong man and take on the world by learning:Thank you to have shared insights @nomad-magus.

Take time out for yourself
Spent time with yourself is not forever impressed me alone. When I should be along with everyone else, at least I should know what she likes, what she likes to do not. That's why I need time for myself. Serve myself carefully.

Enter in the time machine
Remember yesterday and all in the past, when good things happen because of me, because of my efforts, do I feel the excitement when remember it? Of course. Be aware, this is the joy I felt, if I continue to dare to do many things with confidence and ready to bear the risk.

Clarify what I want in life
Do I know what I want? Many people find it difficult to answer this question. If I don't know what I want, how I will make it my life's goal? Try to ask the following things on yourself:
Does that make You so excited?
The secret is I have to do something continuously to make me excited, not do it once or twice and then decided to quit because of the bored.

Find out what people say behind me
Find out the positive things people are saying about me. It's high time I dare to ask for feedback from the things I used to do. I was able to gather strength to become a stronger person by listening to positive comments from others about my self.

Don't ignore your intuition
Instinct is the advantages of belonging to everyone. Going strong, if I use it well, but it would be weakened, if I'm not ignoring messages sent by my instinct. Instinct sends the message for some reason and of course to protect me.
Terimaksih my teacher @nomad-magus