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RE: July ProgBlog #1: guess who's stuck, stuck again

in #aer5 years ago

Here's my tip for sculpting: regularly BUBYFU when you have reached a point in the model development that you like.

BUBYFU? Back Up Before You F*ck Up

It is a paranoid (but useful) habit I started years ago when programming Commodore Amigas that would crash regularly. Secondly, computers have Murphy's Law built into them.


I support you, that is my strategy not to bother me too much and thus save the life of my computer 😅

yes, save yourself the pain.

Interesting acronym XD I did learn that one early on when I started 3d (before sculpting became a proper thing), soon as I hit a point where I'm worried about what the next steps will entail I version save XD I'm up to 12 with this sculpt, some of the work files for the other stuff I've been doing are higher because I occasionally get a bit paranoid/obsessive x_x

Commodore Amigas :O

LoL it certainly seems that way!

I have to frequently BUBYFU with Blender. For some reason it crashes like a pig on my machine and often on very simple GUI interactions. I'd really like to dive into Blender, but this and I can't use my GPU slow things down a bit.

I'm dreaming of a brand new 3D capable beast so I can dive into Blender.

Ergh that sounds frustrating DX

Hopefully crypto makes us all rich soon so you can buy a new one XD

That and or I make some more good art sales. 😀

I seem to be making progress with learning to trade.

Well one of those is more reliable than the other XD

Yay for learning to trade!

that will be forever out of my reach I think XD

Learning to trade is just like learning anything else. It takes time. you will make mistakes and you need to practice. How long has it taken you to (still) learn Blender?

I can avoid most of the numbers in Blender, can't really do that with trading XD I'm apparently dyscalculiac so numbers and wrangling them is a long and painful process that hasn't gotten any better despite my best efforts.