Yep, in that agonisingly slow phase where I have absolutely no idea what's going on or how to do anything XD I struggle to understand video tutorials (they're my absolute last resort and I'm deeply resenting being forced to look at them as most people that do Blender prefer doing video tutorials than wasting time with screenies and text) so I've just been blundering along hoping I'll accidentally stumble across relevant things and learn words I should be using in search fu XD
Jeez I'm finding just a jamstack hard enough, I don't even want to think about bots x_x Yay for progress though with both that and animation :D Will we get to see it?
Yep totally get you on both the rabbit holes and the time management. I really struggle with it. I have everything mapped out with buffer time (sometimes I'm just on a roll and will keep going so the buffer time allows for that before I really just need to stop whether I like it or not and do other things that need doing and there are other things I deeply resent the intrusion of like housework XD).
A lot of people have made very similar requests XD

I already have a long career of programming behind me, but even so, there was a good while that I was left groping in the darkness. I'm reasonably well orientated with it now and keep feeding myself tutorials to understand the industry approaches to Node.js and Vue. I want to get up to speed on the best practices, so that if and when I open source the trading bot, others will be able to make sense of what I've done and thus lower the entry barrier to other people contributing. Video tutorials work best for me, because I can multi-task while they play.
See, the bot or the animations?
Bot, is an unknown quantity of time before that is ready for any sort of public viewing. It can't even execute trades yet.
Animation, sooner rather than later, you will get to see these as I will be releasing them as NFTs.
Ah, so are you now cashing in on your house cleaners now and hiring them out? 😜
The animations, I wouldn't have a clue what I was looking at with the bot XD Yay for being able to see them soon!
Haha no, I've been trying to get them to chill for a few years, finally succeeding I think XD