I'm waiting for it to hit my repo XD
Vanilla texture painting was pretty awful from memory (tools were way too simplistic and it was a monumental and extremely tedious and boring chore trying to get anything beyond basics done). I bought BPainter (which is what you're seeing in the above screenies) which makes things an order of magnitude or so more pleasant, and I did that because I had to replace 3D Coat (which I'd been using for sculpting and texture painting before Blender's sculpting improved massively) as the linux version was significantly lagging behind the Windows and MacOS versions.
There is at least one other thing out there that does similar things but the workflow looks like it's slightly different, apparently it's supposed to work similar to Substance but I haven't used that add-on or Substance
And just for the sake of completion, I've only worked with nodes in Blender (and at a really basic level at that) so no idea how it compares to anything else ^_^;