[Review] AERGO ( Blockchain): AERGO is a 4th generation — enterprise ready — blockchain protocol combined with an IT platform that uses advanced technologies.

in #aergo6 years ago


  1. General Information
    Website: https://aergo.io/
    Whitepaper: https://aergo.io/paper/
  2. Summary of the project
    Token type: OWN WALLET
    Fundraising Goal: 32,000,000 USD
    Total Tokens: 500,000,000
    Available for Token Sale: 30%
    Email: [email protected]
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/teamaergo/
  3. Company details
    Website: http://www.aergo.io/
    Head Office: Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    Year of establishment: 2018
    Company Size: 11-50 Employees
    Featured Products: Blockchain, privacy blockchain, public blockchain, blockchain enterprise, distributed databases, hierarchical, distributed ledger, pre-coded and Aergo
    Aergo includes a new blockchain protocol, advanced and easy-to-use development tools along with the most advanced Dapp deployment and management framework.
  4. Story of the formation of Aergo
    First, before going to "anatomical" Aergo, let's take a look at the Blocko (Https://blocko.io). Argo was built by Blocko, a company specializing in providing business solutions in Korea. Blocko is widely used by many businesses that enable easy Dapps development on blockchains private. Many people believe that Blocko know what businesses need, but Ethereum Virtual Machine (which coinstack based on) is not compatible with existing business architecture. Blocko needs to create a public network to connect all the chains/applications of their clients with the public blockchain. Aergo is created to provide a completely new public blockchain network, therefore developers can use flexibly and more scalable.


As stated, Aergo was created to overcome some of the shortcomings that Blocko are encountering: Blocko is working with businesses but needs the flexibility and specification to serve their needs.

With this layout, what can you see?

DD: Do you see DD in the picture above? The DD is used for managing metadata. Distributed Data Services (DDS) is a namespace administered by its DD. It contains information including public key, validity, roles, access to objects on Blockchains. Therefore, today's governance systems are lacking in blockchain which will be confirmed when Aergo is present.

Consensus: Dpos is the core consensus depends on Distributed Directory as it requires the DDS metadata above to follow up so that the buttons can explore new blocks. What are the fins and benefits created? The developers can easily use different consensus modules to meet their immediate needs.

Argofs: (The Argo file storage Class) can store large files. The Argo buttons can store infinite volume of blocks and act as a giant supernode here. The current business has infrastructures that can be scaled to match the gigantic resources they want to use.

A series of advanced technologies!

  1. Our Team

When said Aergo is a leading blockchain platform for businesses, the team is eligible to expand.

Aergo's team consisted of two men from London, six from South Korea, one from Hong Kong and a man from New York City.The founder is Phil Zamani – the global head of the Big data and the Cloud business model in Banco Santander, the company has 101 thousand employees, he is also the senior vice president of Cloud computing, the business unit cloud with 55,000 Employees. The thing worth saying here is that he is COO @ Blocko – a leading, blockchain creator in the world for businesses.

The team also has Roderick van de Graaf-along with Phil as the COO of Blocko and the adviser of Blocko, a consultant at Mizuho (7,000 employees), head of Department of Transaction. Beom Kim is CEO @ Blocko and R & D at TmaxSoft with 300 employees.

Hunyoung Park is responsible for the CTO position and director of Research development @ Blocko & member Council @ Aergo Foundation, he is the head of Technical Group of research and software blockchain

With over 13 years experience in developing databases/dispersion systems and more than 7 years of experience in task of position leader/Manager, team leader project development 3 Data processing products (Infinidata, zetadata , Anyminer) in the Go/C/Linux/Unix Environment

System Software Engineering

There are two strategic strategic managers in Accenture – a really big company with more than 1/3 million employees.

team 2.JPG
Most of the team members have experience involving blockchain, they all worked in Blocko, creating Coinstack, a blockchain as a service solution for large businesses such as Lotte Card, Shinhan Financial Group, Hyundai, and (20 +) more. The smart business, although they are not in the top 50 money coding market. Team should cultivate more work experience in the blockchain industry. However, the promise of 1 million transactions per second is still required to set the question because Aergo's vision also points with a different vision of Vitalik. When they show a number of 1 million transactions on ICO, they have a lot of motivation to mobilize a lot of money, but there is still much risk that this startup will fail because they don't have enough experience in the Blockchain field.

  1. The criteria of Token

Currently, they are only selling 30% token, the rate that shows their community demand is not the top priority. Until this time, we do not have much information about token. It is reported that the original token on the public chain Aergo will be used to pay the network charge, network security through the Stake of Coins and act as a medium of exchange. The way smart contracts token Argo interact with entities that can be tweaked to the desire of businesses.

  1. Development Roadmap

At least, at the time of launching ICO, they will have Beta. There is an opportunity for them to grow business. Currently, they have no archetype, a prospectus is only a text on the site, but there is high potential because the team behind is very strong. They offer clear routes, with each quarter, they both launch a developmental phase and will end in the fourth quarter of the year.

  1. Advantage and Weakness


-Market: Over 30 business customers are using the Blocko business solution. Client application of Blocko achieves 9 million users with 45% market share in Korea. Shinhan Financial Group will cooperate with Blocko to develop authentication services on its new blockchain platform, which is Aergo.

-Mission: Aergo is the mission of Blocko to link public networks to the individual blockchain to promote the business application. Recently no other blockchain launched this idea to cater to the specific needs of the business. Aergo will resolve it by creating a set of protocols and deployment frameworks for businesses to use.

-Team: The Aergo team is concentrated from Blocko, with experience in this market.


  • Presence: Blocko is uncommon in the west, but popular in South Korea, and they do not raise awareness in the community. Qtum, Icon and Aion are the Blockchains-grade businesses that have strong awareness. Blocko needs a stance in the field of money coding if they wish to reap success.
  1. Summary
    one of the issues to mention is the problem on their website: Link transparency links are corrupted, meaning they are not yet ready for prospectus at this stage. To get a really good deal, you should be wary and cautious. You may be asking why the group again has many people have good achievement, but there is not much experience in the blockchain industry, so whether they can handle the number 1 million TPS, but they have created Blocko.io that is why they put out the statement That! This is evident for the feasibility of the project being passed. The technology is explained promising and they also use advanced technologies.
    In short, this great project, based on the premise of the group's experience in the creation of Blocko, has been over 20 leading companies of South Korea to be applied, and the provision of services is distributed. The team is at a high position in the industry. And in fact, there have been some projects that have numbers over 1 million TPS, so with profound experience from the group, this project can be feasible enough to continue.

Thank you everyone for reading the post. AERGO is a great project.

Written by: ID: [email protected] - Website: https://get.aergo.io
Website: https://www.aergo.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/aergo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AERGO_IO
Open: https://open.kakao.com/o/gGarZeO
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/teamaergo/
Wechat: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext?action=home&__biz=Mzg4NjAxMzg4NQ==&scene=124#wechat_redirect
Weibo: https://m.weibo.cn/p/1005056679895958/home?profile_ftype=1&is_all=1&jumpfrom=weibocom&from=singlemessage&isappinstalled=0#_0
Github: https://github.com/aergoio
Telegram Official : https://t.me/aergoofficial
Telegram Official : https://t.me/aergo