AERGO: Cloud Enterprise Development Protocol

in #aergo6 years ago

Screenshot_2018-10-14-21-33-23-965_cn.wps.moffice_eng.pngSome school of thought had cast aspersions on the blockchain technology during its formative years but now, their fears that the platform would topple existing infrastructures is about to be unfolded. AERGO is the latest threat in the crypto community and in addition, it avails businesses much needed tools that would help them bring their platforms into the blockchain.

Market Opportunity
More businesses are making spirited efforts to find their ways into the blockchain. There are two varieties to the technology with the earliest, the permission-less being the basis for many decentralized projects available on the crypto sphere. It had through its computer networking and open-source allowed businesses join and derive immense benefits but is however impeded by inability to control massive projects that keep flocking in.

The permissioned seemed a better alternative only to suffer setbacks with its limited speed and high-cost infrastructure. Thus, businesses have not actually being able to make full use of the platform.

AERGO came into the picture with the aim of allowing businesses/enterprises have access to the blockchain technology in addition to making protocol development easy for businesses.

The Solution
Protocols are of essence in every project made available on the blockchain and that is why AERGO beamed searchlights to that end. The impediment in protocol development is the complex programming language and AERGO opted to use a programming language that would be found easy-to-use.

The Blocko Perspective
The platforms got helping hand from Blocko, a company interested in use of the blockchain. The company had through its product, Coinstack, changed the outlook of businesses. Enterprises are now charged with the responsibility of rendering IT services instead of creating same.

Blocko had already started work on development of infrastructures that would help enterprises create protocols for their businesses. Among proposed technologies to be deployed is the AERGOSQL, a plugged-in smart contract infrastructure for data storage.

On the AERGO ecosystem, there is existence of three distinct products that would push the platform to its desired height. The protocol development platform (AERGO) will certainly solve pain points given the fact that existing infrastructures placed enterprises’ security under risk.

First, the AERGO Chain is the initial product delegated to help enterprises come on board and birth their protocols on the platform without hassles. Best described as a blockchain operating system, the chain operates blockchains in public decentralized networks. It also uses the AERGOSQL smart contract scripting language for protocol development.

AERGO Hub is the medium of transmitting dApps into the chain. Patterned after the popular Amazon AWS cloud service, the hub offers decentralized cloud servicing to protocols developed on AERGO Chain.

Similarly, integrated dApps will be stored in different repositories with cloud computation and decentralization of dApps coming from the public repository and dApps under the private repository will make IT tools available.
Finally, there is the AERGO Marketplace, a decentralized ecommerce platform where computing assets are traded. AERGO delegated Horde as framework that would scrutinize service providers that wish to offer cloud-based services to enterprises’ protocols.

Allocation of Tokens
Crowd-sales: 30%
Reserve: 25%
Advisors and Backers: 10%
Employees and Affiliates: 5%
Partners and Incentives: 30%

Token Sales Information

Ticker: AERGO
Token Type: Utility
Platform: Ethereum
Token Supply: 500 million
Country of Registration: China

AERGO’s Team




Final Thoughts
The palpable fear associated with development of protocols on the blockchain especially for business uses will be over as AERGO through its working products is making protocol development seamless.

Learn more about AERGO project by visiting the links below;

Website: Whitepaper: Telegram Group Chat: Medium Blog:

Writer's Details
Name: PhilMovs
Email: [email protected]