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RE: Pole fitness as injury rehab

in #aerialists7 years ago

Ouch !
You can really see the laxity in the joint from that X-Ray.

I've been through something very similar, so I know how it feels. I also have a list of other joint injuries, so being a couch potato is not an option for me either. If I don't keep fit I can't walk after a few weeks.

I don't see any stigma about pole dancing, you girls do some really difficult stuff and it's a great way to stay in shape. I dare say you don't see too many 49 YO men trying to even climb a pole because it would just be too difficult for most of them.

I hope you can overcome your shoulder troubles. Physiotherapy only got me so far and I decided to take my recovery into my own hands. So I do a lot of strength training and also use Indian clubs regularly.

It's a bit like a yin yang approach, the strength training keeps the joints tight and the Indian clubs keep the joints mobile by gently putting them through their full ROM. They gently stretch the soft tissue & any scar tissue without making the joint loose.

Indian clubs have helped many people re-hab broken shoulders where all else had failed. I recommend them for all my clients, even those without shoulder problems as a pre-hab tool, as the Indians say they are gift from the Vedic gods.

Good luck with it, I hope it all goes well for you @nikv


Indian clubs look interesting, I'm definitely going to investigate those further. Thank you for the tip!