Three Steps No Excuses Day 16. Get Uncomfortable

in #affiliatemarketing4 years ago

Idea from Plus 1 Success Day 16

Being Uncomfortable can make you stretch!

Taking on a challenge can make you feel like you are being stretched to the limit sometimes. This is especially good when you are choosing to do it to become a better person.

Take a risk and try something that is uncomfortable. That is what I have been doing lately. Sometimes I think that online marketing is a pipe dream. Writing this blog is very uncomfortable today because I am doing it at nine o'clock at night after an unusually long day of work.

If I am to be consistent and follow though with this thirty day challenge or anything that I might be committed to, then I have to be willing to do it when it is uncomfortable. The gold is on the other side of the discomfort.

The real point is to make yourself improve and work at becoming your greatest.

What is something that you don't feel good about but would like to improve?

Being Uncomfortable can be a good thing!

Try the scavenger hunt at Click Track Profit and find Luke

You can find Luke by surfing at Traffic Exchanges. It is real fun way to get badges and CTP XP.

Here is one of my favorites for Finding Luke

Read A book.

Right now I am reading

"Self Leadership and the one minute manager" "Discover the magic of no Excuses" by Ken Blanchard.

This book goes along perfectly with the Three Steps challenge that I am doing. Reading books is one of the best ways I know to expand my knowledge and skills.

What book are you reading right now?

You can find me in the CTP Telegram group.


Yes... it is good to stretch yourself...make lemonade out of lemons!

Yes I like to make lemonade