I couldn’t agree more with this. Whilst their are people questioning if they are to early on Steem and some even leaving thinking it is a dead project.
The ones sticking around , building apps , communities and brands are the ones who will benefit when and if Steem takes off.
There’s an old saying. “ if you hang around the barber’s shop long enough you will end up with a haircut.”
Those working hard with little to no benefit now are slowly gaining followers and gaining attention . When the masses do finally come there will do many people posting it will be hard to get noticed. And then people will be complaining that they got here too late .
And if you think you would be better off somewhere else. Maybe check how EOS is going ( the so called killer of Steem) .
I checked the price the other day on coinspot. It is heading in one direction and that is down, it was AUD$20 and it is now almost down to AUD$4 . So much for the Voice.
We are right where we need to be I believe.
That’s my thoughts on the matter anyways.
Have an awesome day.Thanks for sharing @jongolson,
Posted using Partiko iOS
yeah man. thanks for the comments and it’s true. everything is tanking in price right now. not just steem. it’s crypto in general and this happens in waves. shakes the lose hands. me myself. i’m just building. price be damned lol
Posted using Partiko iOS