The Gambia always green and a lovely place to be... The smiling coast of Africa!!!!
This is our bath place. Yesterday it fall down because of rain and high wind blowing it was due to lack of development as you can see. I hope steemit can make a help on that?
This is our main bath where i take bath too.
I will send more pictures of my life here in Gambia to @future24 (Jonas) in Germany soon, so that he can upload them for me. The last donation he did with your help was important and helped us a lot!
Today I was making the room of my grandparents from your help you did last time.
As you can see on the picture I am plastering the ground of the room from the steemit help.
Thank you again everyone, Im so happy about your help!
Abdoulie Sambou
What a beautiful place! Those pictures are good tools for when I might also plaster a floor, thank you for the lesson!
Thank you so much @ndbeledrifts!