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RE: I would like to highlight a new steemit user @Bania from Nigeria, he has been very successful and his success is more proof that Steem Blockchain can support people in developing nations! For this reason alone steem might gain humanitarian investors!

in #africa8 years ago

yeah if you enjoy that stuff, i am beginning too and i guess its never too late but yeah youre young so do that, im already 29 so i have to think more about using skills i already have instead of starting over also i know ill be good at progamming if i ever need to be, as im trying to learn basics, but its just a waste of time for me to learn programming same with me learning math,

but yeah thats just me, and u should for sure keep going with learning how these blockchains work

its going to be like Linux in a few years, and android...there wasa time a decade ago when Linxu was not as important as it is now, and people who learned it were ;learning for fun...but some knew it would become impoortant...none could have seen how FAST android would take over, noone whp used linux 15 years ago could have ever imagind how fast linux would spread and none would have EVER believed them that we would al be caryiong around linux com[uters in our pockets! The idea that EVERY man woman and child would be using Linux everyday all day was a fantasy,

so with blockchains, it will be sikilar, now theyre seen as a speiclaity as a novelty but they will be completely ubiquitous in teh future, and I hope people dont become TOO addicted to blockchains and use crypto currency as a mark of the beast neofuedal type system where bitcoin is just used to take fuller control over a situation, ecause if u can print up counter fit fiat paper money u can just keep buying more and more bitcoins, but the dollar would be devalued, heh its a crazy future

so many problems will happen, so i just hope we dont end up making thinsg WORSE with bitcoin, like I can just see people getting "locked ouyt" of society when there is no fiat paper money and all money is tracked and traced and controlld tightly with Bitcoin

it WONT be decentralized when the communist party of china decides to just implement software on 51 poercwnt of bitcoun miners all in China...see what i mean? Any bitcoin transaction or wallet can be reversed or made null, peopel can just wipe out your wallet collectyively, if someone took control of the majooty of the bitcoin miners, if someone had all the nodes, then fuck youre fucked and same with steemit if someone controlled all the steem witnesses, they could then start censoring whatever they wanted

so we have to bkeep things decentralized

we have to have orderly chaos