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RE: Just received Solar Powered USB Phone Chargers to send to Steemit User in Africa! @ortigas100 who can now tell us just how much of an impact these small $9 devices can have to help keep him online and on steemit!

in #africa8 years ago

yes i will keep postong this and make it into a huge project where you can make a post and get all ur followers and whale friends to upvote it so we can get LOADS of these chargers in the hands of every steemit user in africa who might need one! and then also theres alot of people in developing nations who just honestly dont feel worthy to even blog they dont think theyre lives are interesting enough top blog but they are because theyre in other countriesand they get to have a big western audience so anyone in rural india or rural africa is going to win out and they wont believe it at first, and of course we wont be ble to get ALL of them onlione but we will get ALOt of them! its like we have jobs for so many developing countries they only need a few bucks a day! and theyre grateful! and theyre living costs are much much lowerand they can easily get a few bucks a day on steemit and so we have the ability to sustain millions of peopel right now as we are, and we could sustain billions with a higher steem price and simply higher adoption

I was watching a video of @dan being interviewed by @jeffberwick and Dan basically admitted that steemit is al l done as far as the code and back end, and mayb there's some aesthetic and front end stuff and new features have to be created etc but the Blockchain prt is all done! its a HUGE accomplishment because most people dont even KNOW they're ON a blockchain! they just see steemits FRONT END , the facade, they see the steemit social network and think this is not new this is the same shit as facebook or twotter or instagram! and they move on!

the smart ones look deeper and realize that theyre on a bitcoin type network that allows everything to be deentralized so none can ban them that alone is huge

and then making money is realy just the bonus! it IS the main reason we all use it ...lets be honest...but the fact that it WORKS and pays people is just incredible..the fact that steem price is stable at all is a miracle! but its just great engioneering! its a solid system

and dan said something like "Now all the work needed for steemit has to do with getting more users and front end stuff" but the ability for dan to ad value is over, which is a good thing! it means the job is finished! or his backend evelopment job is finished

and dan is just a normal guy who happens to like bl;ockchains and he was un distracted enough and he was focused and in the zone enough to develop a bunch of WORKING bloickchain systems from bitshares to steemit to now EOS and they all work and (well EOS is on its way) and look and bitshares thats allowed people to use a decentralized exchange with same ease as Poloniex or bittrex! steemit allows people top geton a blockchain and send and recieve money without any of the hassles previously associated iwth!

i keep repeating this but its So true and we never make enough ofa big deal about it but steemit is the EASIEST cryp[to currency to use pERIOD! No bitcoin or litecoin or ethereum wallet lets you just use a reakin Username! u cant just send bitcoin to a username like @ackza but on steemit u can! boom anyone can send and recuieve money SUER easy with steem and SOON we will have direct steem to cash debit cards and ATMs where peopel wont even NEED bitcoin anymore!

also bitcoin split could help steemit

we are still tied down to steem...we are very much intertwined wiuth bitcoin but we could totally become seperate from bitcoin so even if bitcoin crashes we will be fine!

omg yes but sory for long mesage but here watch this new coldfusionTV video about bitcoins this guy just mkes cool videos and he finaly made one about bitcoin


let's talk about making the SolarChargeAfrica project a reality.

oh it already is! I already have 2 solar chargers i bought using money i made off steemit and im gonan be sending them in the mail to @ortigas100 obce he gets back online and i can confirm a shippimng addres he can use to pick them up ...and i will just keep ordering more and have em ready for steemit usersin africa i can send em to @tj4real and @xpency and they can hand em out to peopel who he has signed up to steemit, i wanna actualy alow hom to give out a solar charger AND a cheap $40 android smartphone with 1 month if prepaid mobile ionternet so they will have EVERYTHING they need to geton steemit and start making money!

BUT YES lets do a whole campaign! i KNEW i could get attention of sopmeonelike u for a projct like this!

We could have a HUGE program going where we can raise $1000 in a SINGLE post and buy 100 solar chargers and send em to tj4real and he can distribute them to steemit users he signs up in africa as lieka BONUS to signup for steemit and you get a free solar charger! peopel will LOVE seeing it out there in their photos people shopwing how theyre only on steemit today because of a solar powered batery charger (eventually we put steemit logos engraved on them or laser ecthing or just stickerts for now)

and we could make these solar chargers so ubiquitos in africa! we canget people in deveoping countries to just take elecriocoty for granted and eventyually theyll just get used to solar battery packs and it will encourage the use of biogger solar systems, ity will be many peoples very first solar panel, and theyre so cjheap i feel its a crime to NOT ship these out!

im ordering a bunch more once i get some more rwards, someone justr sent me enough to order two more in my walet in SBD so that helps! ima just kep ordering me to my house and then shioping themn to africa, OR if they can ship them to africa directly from layasia or china ill do that to but the guiys in africa saud it would work vetter to ship em to US and THEN from US to afria it will be quicker too, and it only took a week to get from mayalisa to here with free shipping $9 and i bet ali express has em WAY chesper we can get em in bulk super cheap

yes yes this will be SO eawesome i alrteady ahve a framewoprk skel;aton of posts setup and i have the main idea down and we have the guys in africa who would be totaly ready tio take photos with the solar chargers showing them giving them to people and making posts aBAOUT giing outteh solar chargers, and peopel showing themselves USING the chargers

the next steo ius just getting more free wifi in more towns in africa because otherwise they have topay alot of money every month just to use ow quality mobile internet, but we could help them get free internet cafes to use, peopel just ned an inteenrt cafe to use for a few weeks or months until they can get enough money on steemitto buy thir own tablet or smartphone !

so many great wayswe can help developingf nationsget ionline because hats all they really need! they can help tejmselves once they just have a way to make a little bit of money online! were so luck to live ina time when we dont even need to get them computers ior laprtops anymore they can just use smartphones to do verything they need to online!

remember One Laptiop per Child program? it was a big sucess and really diod help get many milliosn of people online...and we can have another similar tye of program but THIS time u give the children tablets/smartphones with steemit so they can actuyally earn money online!