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RE: Just received Solar Powered USB Phone Chargers to send to Steemit User in Africa! @ortigas100 who can now tell us just how much of an impact these small $9 devices can have to help keep him online and on steemit!

in #africa8 years ago

oh nice awesome yes go look at #zimbabwe its easy and make sure every simbabwe person on steemit uses that hashtag for #zimbabwe and yes go follow @tj4real in Ghana and @xpency in Nigeria and the #Africa hashtage at and you can get p[id here by gettoimg steemit users on steemit from ziombabwe and posting their photos and proof they signed up and u will not only get THEM as followers but u can then make sure make a REPORT Post where u just show all the peopel u signed upo in your local area, and u will be get more than $1 per peraon i mean TJ and xpency were getting hundreds even thousands of dollars on a single post when they started hsowing how many people they signed up like when xpency did a talk to 200 students at his school showing them ALL steemit printing up a steemit logo which is important to show so people know immeidtaly ttjat your with steemit! it will let you start making like $10 per post maybe even $100 a day if you canposrt everyday and work hard! its VERY possible for you to make $100 a day if you can soend a few hours a day on steemit and if u actualy have the time to spoend 8 hours a day EVERYDAY on steemit 5 days a week and even a few hours on the weekend, you could easily startt making MORE than $100 a day ...and im not just saying this...its TOTALLY realistic! u have to hust kep postionG! and NETWORK with your fellow afr8icans because Steemiut is the KEY to increasing Africas GDP by 1000 percenthaha i mean it u could DOUBLE zimbabwe GDP and allow Mugabe to se potential in Steem as a national reserve currency to help with hyper inflation! he iwll LOVE steemit! (and he cant stop it so he may as wel support it haha) bitcoin is the solution! it came at the perfecty time for your country! its all in Gods plan! it realy is a miracle for africa, crypto currency and now Steemit to enavble ANYONE to use crypto currency! SOON we will make a version of steemit FOR THE ILLITERATE where they can simply click buttons with pictograms for sending and receiving steem, for making a post which will let them talk and it will automaticaly write the words using voice to text AND it will also let them easily take phptos AND a video where they can juist TALK into the camera and Post it on stemit instantly, and it will ALSO read the steemit posts to people, for those who cant read

i think this would be a greattool even for children qho want to participate ion steemit but who may not be able to read yet, but we can STILL have them particiapting and even without reading they can make money and participate in the glovbal economy!!!!

Steemit is a HUGE part of God's plan for Africa....all of Africa;'s hardships will make for EXCELLENt stories for the Grandchildren of todays Africans~! The africa of the futuie, in just 209 years, will have no hunger NO poverty no hoimelessness, no warm it will be as wealthy and developed as the USA is today but better because it will be the future! leap frogging trechnology! Youll get to CHANNEL AL that strife and poverty from the past, all that hardship your whole CONTINENT experienced into AMAZINg art AMAZING TV shows INCREDIBLE culture and entertainment for africans and the rest of the world, Nollywood will become a serious movie making enterprise creatying imcredible natuire documantrris and human intertest stories and just amazing dance video and music videos and the art of africa will inspire the world liek it ALWAYS has!

Africans need to feel better about themselves when it comes to their contribution to world music and culture, they inspired the world to create Jazz and so much of todays music, The world dances to an African Rythm to this day with ELectronic Dance Music, and YOUTUBE has turned Dance and Music into a Multi billion dollar industry capable of supporting hgundreds of millions of people, africans can learn about entertainment and really create incredible art and peopel will watch it and youll get ad money and sel tickets foir live shows and musiccians and movie stars and film makers and song writers and dance chrorgraophers will be born ouyt of al of this turmopil africa has expeeirenced

great arty comes from hardship, so just see the african conciousness as a wealth of creativity


woow Thank you @ackza for the advice i will do like you said and Help our community grow.I am sure all the steemitZeembabwe and all africans would find this very helpful .We want financial freedom ,we cannot only rely on fiat ,its in short supply here.So crypto is the only solution,by next year this time we will be speaking a different story.

I would love to add you to our steemitZeembabwe whatsapp group and our chatroom on discord if you dont mind.