Where Am from.. 'Africa my Heritage'

in #africa8 years ago


to prosper in the 21st century... africa must riseup to the competition...the world has moved on, we need to tag our own and be proud. make the african continent enviable to the other part of the world...we need a lee kuan yew. a selfless movement of people with good intension,not motivated by money but the intentions to do right by its people. Thanks to social media, Some less privileged african can share in the world view and share their opinions and have a voice on the world stage. the communist china controls the minds of her people by starving them of genuine information,Our african leaders thankfully are not as powerful and intelligent enough to do such but instead starve us of social amenities and basic human right so we can never think of revolt. Africa wakeup!!!

It all starts with your mind set. Be a champion within your mind and others will begin to see it.
Africa wakeup!!!