Part 1: Lies of the African Slave Trade

in #africa7 years ago

Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people!

GREETINGS, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD - WE ARE ANONYMOUS. The banking-military-industrial-complexes of the world keep pushing to divide The People. They put blames on certain groups, and keep us divided, ignoring them who are the true threats. No one group is more a threat than any others. Humanity, as a whole, has done great harm to other humans. When one group is cast with blame, we shall show the other side of such stories...these are the sides that the corporate media don't want you to think of. Just follow the bouncing ball, sit back, and don't question.

Some of us will no longer do so.

Slavery in America: the stories THEY don't want you to know about: Part 1.

It's time to set the record straight, regarding slavery in the U S. There are those who tell us, students, and the regular people in America, that we should be shamed for our bloody past, and while it's true that slavery had its evils, America didn't display an exclusive show of barbarity, nor were there extreme benefits, when compared to others, in the past, or today.

The U S did not start slavery. It had existed, literally, in every conceivable place on the face of the planet. Several thousands of years ago, when humanity began to become “civilized,” and domesticating animals, people took others as slaves in ancient wars.

Many great minds of the ancient world considered teaching slaves akin to training wild animals. Egypt to Babylonia, Athens to Rome, Persia to India to China, relied heavily upon the brutal use of slaves; often, the slaves made up large parts of a population. Despite the skewing by some, Mayas, Aztecs and Incas not only relied heavily upon using tribal war prisoners as slaves, but used these slaves for human sacrifices, killing thousands of men, women, and children, annually.

The Tupinamba of Brazil captured huge numbers of people, and put them into slavery for months or years. Then, they would commit "mass slaughter of their victims in ritualized cannibalistic feasts."

In Africa, slavery was a norm long before the Europeans and Arabs came to the "Dark Continent." The Europeans, in particular, rarely went beyond the coasts. The true perpetrators of the kidnapping of millions of Africans came from rival or neighboring tribes, through various tribal raids. According to African-American historian Nathan Huggins: "virtually all of the enslavement of Africans was carried out by other African." African traders “saw themselves as selling people other than their own.”

Estimates put the Islamic slave trade of Africans at between 12 - 17 million, whereas the European slave trade is estimated at about 11 million. That is a high number, without a doubt, but neither it as high as the Islamic world's number, nor is it a feather in the cap for those who feel that only Europeans or Americans should be the ones to be responsible for the slave trade, when Arabs had them, and those living in Africa were not only holding slaves, but traded them to the slavers outside of Africa.

In the history of the Republic of the United States of America, slavery was brief, in limited places, involving a very small number of ancestors of today's Americans.

The 13th Amendment formally ended slavery in the U S, 89 years after the birth of The Republic. If you want “reparations,” then perhaps you should look to Britain, France, Spain, and other nations that had colonies in the “New World.” Further, in most states, slavery was outlawed, decades before the Civil War; this being an example of the 10th Amendment in action, where states could choose what happens in their borders.

In the South, 80% didn't own slaves, and hate-baiters can say all they want about the other 80% wishing for it, but if that's the case, then how should they be held accountable for ALL crimes they may be thinking of?

As brutal as it may have been, dead slaves brought no profit. While Nazis death camps, like Auschwitz, did exploit the people for slave labor, the end goal was the extermination of those people. In the case of slavers, their goal was not the brutal extermination of the people, for lives lost, was money lost, as brutal as that is to state. Further, the death of a slave cost the slave owners money, just as the death of any other living entity they owned would cost them money, and do damage to their financials. They would treat them as any other beast of burden, for it wasn't beneficial to them to damage or kill their property, and it made sense to allow a degree of prospering, to have more slaves born to the owners, as opposed to paying for new ones. While an inhumane way to treat other people, it's a far cry from the distortions that slave owners would go out of the way to kill their slaves. That would also reduce the number of slaves needing to be imported from Africa.

Stay tuned for part 2 of Slavery in America: the stories THEY don't want you to know about.

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