The Truths of the African Slave Trade: Part 2

in #africa7 years ago

Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people!

GREETINGS, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD - WE ARE ANONYMOUS. The banking-military-industrial-complexes of the world keep pushing to divide The People. They put blames on certain groups, and keep us divided, ignoring them who are the true threats. No one group is more a threat than any others. Humanity, as a whole, has done great harm to other humans. When one group is cast with blame, we shall show the other side of such stories...these are the sides that the corporate media don't want you to think of. Just follow the bouncing ball, sit back, and don't question.

Some of us will no longer do so.

Slavery in America: the stories THEY don't want you to know about: Part 2.

The United States didn't become wealthy from slavery. Pennsylvania passed an emancipation law in 1780; Connecticut and Rhode Island follow suit shortly, before the Constitution was written. New York did so in 1799.

With large banks in Pennsylvania and New York, they became centers for commerce and manufacturing, while much of the South languished. When the Constitution came into being, Virginia was the most populous and wealthiest state in the Union. But, by the Civil War, it was behind 6 northern states that had long since outlawed slavery. New England, Midwest, and other northern states had vast advantages in wealth and productivity, whereas the south was often impoverished.

While some elite families based their large fortunes on slavery, by and far, the majority of southerners were often in debt, and their overall financial stability was close to collapse. Before and after the Civil War, the United States, as a whole, did not make its fortune off the backs of slaves.

The U S not only abolished slavery in the "New World," but helped pave the way for abolishing slavery in ALL NATIONS OF THE WEST! While the "enlightened" of Greece and Rome considered slavery indispensable, the U S discredited it, and set the way for making it illegal. Brazil at last liberating all its slaves in 1888. Evangelical Christians helped to spear-head this transformation.

The U S had no part of originating slavery. The U S also did not establish the African slave trade, started by Arabs, Europeans, and especially, other Africans. However, the U S, and those who were a precursor to America, did much to contribute to the ending of slavery. In 1646, Puritans showed revulsion to the enslavement of their fellow children of God. Massachusetts magistrates ordered the two blacks returned to their native land, after it was discovered that the blacks had been stolen from their homeland in Africa. Rhode Island passed legislation ordering slaves be set free in the same manner as the English Indentured Servants.

Thomas Jefferson condemns slavery in his original draft of the Declaration of Independence. However, the Continental Congress removed it, to win approval from Jefferson’s fellow slave-owners.

In most other nations, governments provided some compensation to slave-owners when slaves were set free. However, for the South, there was no reimbursement for the BILLIONS lost.

One can take away, from America's intertwined tie to slavery, is not the torture and bloody existence, but the speed and determination abolitionists worked to end slavery, not just in the U S, but the way that was paved for the rest of the West.

The idea of reparations is ridiculous, for so many different reasons. Why should America pay reparations to people who are no longer alive? Why should people who did not own slaves, be responsible to people who aren't slaves? Most who came into the U S, entered after the Civil War, so thus, they wouldn't even be responsible for slavery in the U S in the first place. In addition, Africans sold their slaves--victims in tribal raids--to the slavers in the first place. If anyone owes reparations, it's Africa.

Compare the last century of history in Nigeria or Ivory Coast or Sierra Leone or Zimbabwe, to the history here in the U S. Can any black in America say with 100% certainty, that they would have fared better in one of those countries, had distant ancestors not been enslaved? In addition, Europe established the brutal colonies in Africa; Belgium being especially oppressive and bloody. On the other hand, the U S only had Liberia, an independent nation for slaves to "go home to." Very few blacks chose to do so. Even calls of returning back to Africa were largely ignored. Perhaps, they knew what it was like to be slaves by tribes in Africa, and knew that, whatever it may be, they were free in America, whereas if they went back to Africa, they could be taken as slaves once again. Indeed, today, in Africa, despots in charge of countries will raze entire villages, committing rape and murder, based on a rumor that a rebel is either hiding there, or at least receiving aide. With that awaiting them, for all the flaws, apparently, many felt they would rather take their chances in "the New World."

So-called politically correct narratives, today, about America and slavery are, at best, skewed, and at worse, lies and distortions. For example, there is no talk of the first black slave owner, also being a black man, nor that many free blacks owned black slaves, alongside their white counterparts.

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