A very important question.
Slavery is a fact of how an individual is held and required to work for his/her master. Racism is obnoxious behavior toward an individual or group of individuals based on their race. There is some speculation that once a group of people has been held in slavery, it is easier for others to treat them in a racist way. It is also true that the same prejudice which would allow one to hold a human being in slavery could also express itself in racist behavior.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for giving a response to this question. Hmm, well said. This really does justice to the question. Just like in the Bible where the Israelite were held in slavery in Egypt, and later on the Romans saw them as an inferior race. And it was a shock to find out that the Savior of the whole world came from that 'inferior' race.
Thanks a lot. This opens my eyes to the link between slavery and racism.