Africa Education: What the Greeks said about Ancient Africa - Part 2

in #africa7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday, we discussed the first part of a few of the testimonies of the a few of the many Greeks who came to study in Africa very many years ago. I am happy many of you received it very well.

Today, we simply continue...

DIODURUS SICULUS, the 1st century Greek historian who wrote the acclaimed Bibliotheca Historica Book I said, “But now that we have examined these matters, we must enumerate what Greeks, who have won fame for their wisdom and learning, visited Egypt in ancient times, in order to become acquainted with its customs and learning . . . Homer and Lycurgus of Sparta, and Plato, and that there also came Pythagoras of Samos and the mathematician Eudoxus. . .”

EUDEMUS of Rhodes (370 - 300 BC), a science historian and philosopher and one of Aristotle's key students said, "We shall say, following the general tradition, that the Egyptians were the first to have invented Geometry, (that) Thales, the first Greek to have been in Egypt, brought this theory thereof to Greece."

Now, who has not heard of SOCRATES, the well-known philosopher? He studied in Africa for 15 years out of the normal 40 years like his compatriots. He said the Egyptian god Thoth was the inventor of writing, astronomy and geometry. The western world has wrongly credited him for sayings like: "man know thyself”, "eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die,” instead of the Kemetic multi-genius, Imhotep, who said these as the writings clearly shown in temple walls and who lived many years before Socrates.

CLAUDIUS GALENUS of Pergamon, a prominent Greek physician and surgeon wrote that, “the invention of medicine was the experiences of the Egyptians.”
Claudius Galenus.png

Tomorrow, we will complete part three of this section of portraying Africa in a different light.